The videos for Patches 4.x were already recorded before I finished the Omega Raid Quests, so any adjustments and suggestions will already have been done by the end of those patches. :0
I hope you enjoy this one!
I COULD have skipped the other stuff in this one to make the video shorter, but gosh, so much stuff I’m seeing looks important to keep when I edit it.. I wanna share that experience with you guys. 😀
Thank you for watching!
#FFXIV #FinalFantasyXIV #Stormblood
I want more of Fordola redeeming herself. >:0 Her and Arenvald would make great partners, I bet. Heheheh.
Fanfest o/
The feels draw closer…
Arenvald has been through some rough stuff but I like him. I like to imagen my WoL would train him as a successor or a “plan b” of sorts since he’s also a warrior with the power of the echo.
Probably not the best day to release a new video, but I'll watch anyway!
Arenvald's first bit of voiced lines, I believe, are actually just after you return from Doma and he explains how he wasn't able to prevent Krile's capture. It's really cool to see him elevated from a background NPC, either way. He's around the Waking Sands when you're first recruited, and talks about his heritage a little, but kind of stops himself half way. Just prior to Livia's attack in "All Good Things", he's sent on his first mission for the Scions, so he's not there to become part of the massacre.
I would tell you about later stages of the game but spoilers! Don't want to ruin the game for you.
But as usual, good job!
These videos get me hyped to log in and play. Thank you!
That scene with nanamo and raubann always makes me tear up they are just so sweet ;u;
Yeah, the 4.x patches are DENSE of stuff.
thank god Raubahn stayed, wouldnt wanna see Lyse in charge X_x
When a person is tempered by a primal, the person is permanently stuck worshipping the primal. There is no cure. So all of the people that get tempered, they don't get imprisoned or confined. They are all killed. They have no choice but to kill them.
Spoilers below in regards to mechanics, so don't read if you don't want to get spoiled on it.
Keep playing through the patches of Shadowbringers, they give more info there.
Yay the MSQ is back !!
I'm changing my choice of waifu!! Y'shtola is cool and all but i choose Fordola! I forgot how badass she was!!
She comitted so many crimes and if i was an Ala mighan i would not forgive her, but she has such a strongwill that i can't help but admire her.
I forgot how cute Nanamo and Rauhban were together dammit now i have tears in my snacks. T_T
There are cute Nanamoments in the 60/70 Goldsmith class quests if you have the patience for it.
So that gladiator scene with Raubahn and Nanamo is actually a recreation of an older scene from 1.0. I believe the quest was called "There Might Be Blood."
1:26:10 mic drop
I'm glad I found your channel, it's always nice to see people going thro the story and seeing their reactions. Keep it up : )
Ysa, Don't forget that Gaius always tried to negotiate with our character, even though he wanted to rule he wanted to do so to stop the eikon summoning and bring order to Eorzea. As Garleans Go, Gaius WAS far more honorable than many Garleans. He believed in strength in rule, but did not believe in Cruelty personally.
I love how Raubahn says the whole "we'll give them a fair trial, we aren't savages"
And then when Yuyuhase and Laurentius get grabbed you have the option to say "just fucking kill them, I want them dead" and Raubahn responds with "good to know, we're of like mind, I'll make sure your opinion is heard"
Boi if the Warrior of Light, the Liberator him/herself, wants them dead, what choice is there?
Lol I love the scions "B team" it's always great to see them in msq
37:48 It's not that we're unbroken It's that we've been broken so many times and put ourselves back together that we just fight on "for those I have lost. For those I can yet save."