The Hardest Raid Boss In FFXIV – Cleared WITHOUT a Healer | What Now?

One of the hardest fights in ffxiv has been cleared, but WITHOUT A HEALER. Does this mean the healer class is doomed? Or has there always been a battle regarding how Square Enix designs their support classes? Let’s discuss.

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13 thoughts on “The Hardest Raid Boss In FFXIV – Cleared WITHOUT a Healer | What Now?”

  1. FFXIV's encounter design is what needs a complete re-design. Unfortunately I don't see that happening without some massive changes on the backend. Bosses can't auto-attack while casting in XIV, and this is massively hindering the damage output on tanks. Healers don't need to dedicate very much, if any, healing to auto attacks with current tank design. Meanwhile raidwides completely stop bosses from auto-attacking while they are being cast, and don't come frequently enough to exhaust the healing resources of two healers. Nor can raidwides happen that often with how spiky they are in damage, and they have to be that spiky because of all the shields and raidwide mitigation we have.

    The TL;DR is that the players are way too strong for the current encounter design and that square probably can't change encounter design to match our power level. Or if they can, it will completely change XIV's combat.

  2. Its not a problem that a group managed to do something really cool and high skill, but TOP's design just kinda sucks. Why bother forcing such strict roles onto every player if those don't matter in a fight

  3. it just shows that healer is pretty much a dps class at this point with healing abilities nothing inthe game rquires a healer at this point or at leats in EW that is we need role depended mechanic tbh

  4. Even it is hard and need a shitton of strategy and skill.. where is the reason for healer in a MMO with the "holy trinity" when you can clear the hardest pve content without one?

  5. Frankly, I don't think things being clearable by weird comps is bad. What I do think is screwed is how heavily the 14 team leaned into healer's healing toolkit without giving them proper reasons to use it in a solid 60% of content, and cheesing your way through another 30%. Until you need to remove two debuffs within some 15 seconds of each other, you can just bring a bard, a red mage, and two of the tanks with solid healing capability. Either their solution is signifigantly increase raidwide damage and random damage on non-targetted party members, or they give healers a proper DPS rotation.

  6. I don't think healers need a complete redesign, thats trying to address the problem when the problem is really the raid design or a couple odd abilities like Cover which occasionally allows the odd cheese of a mechanic.

    What needs to be addressed is how Ultimate is spilling over onto Savage content. I could care less that the 1% of the 1% of the 1% managed to pull off something that probably shouldn't happen normally, that doesn't effect the rest of the game. Trying to address the class would be like punishing the first person that climbed mount everest by saying "well now do it without shoes". It doesn't effect the rest of the content so lets not worry about it, healing by and large will still be required by 99.9999___% of groups.

    What does effect the rest of the game is the scaling up continuously of mechanical difficulty of the raids where Savage is no longer being labeled correctly. There are easier Ultimates these days than some of the newer Tier 4, 8, and 12 content. Largely this is a problem where the fights are turning into giant spreadsheet battles especially with fully randomized mechanics.

  7. I think its fine. You have to balance the game assuming regular people are playing, and regular people are going to make mistakes which will need healing. You can't balance the game around the 1% of the 1%. Healers need a fun dps rotation though. Right now it's too boring.

  8. Im not sure if saying the class is doomed when a very small percent of players being able to do it without healers, would agree that they could make it less or a bore to play at times but that is when almost every single person is knowing what they are doing I suppose relying of mistakes to happen to make it fun for most savage raiders wouldn't be the best mindset for the class, that i would be more concerned about. Some change to the class would be nice ; u;…


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