The FFXIV Raid That No Longer Exists

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I want the Friction give me the Aetheroplasm bless me with the Suppression

#ffxiv #dawntrail #endwalker


29 thoughts on “The FFXIV Raid That No Longer Exists”

  1. I'm quite sure you're wrong at 9:29 as for about half the patterns for Predation the inside dodge for Garuda is unsafe/has a very small safespot. I'm not sure what the intended strat is, but knowing that Mr Ozma made the fight he probably intended something similar to the predation dodges we do.

  2. Fuck alllll that shit

    If something is missing it can stay missing. lol I won't pretend like I did ulitimates current but even they are easier now that just downgrades the encounters difficulty from putting your balls in a blender to having your balls crushed by a sledgehammer – I'll take the sledgehammer every day. FUCK. THAT.

  3. It would've been nicer to have said you can only experience the fight clueless at the start, not 15 mins in. I was completetly ignorant of the fight, and I have a group of 7 other players on the same boat. Not only willing to prog Ultimates blind, but all the content as blind prog lvl synch/min ilvl/ no echo since ARR (we are at HW now).
    Kind of a bummer.

  4. I do think ultimately this is a problem. As someone who caught up to the story 1 month before Endwalker and then did DSR/TOP on release with TEA in between them I pretty much considered myself a Penta legend the second I finished TOP b/c I knew UWU and COB had degraded to the point in difficulty that it was just a matter of taking the time to clear them. And I'm extremely glad that I cleared TEA while it still had some degree of a damage check (tho obviously much easier) and fear for the state of TEA in DT b/c I think TEA is an incredibly well designed and fun fight.

    Most people seem to want "unreal Ultimates" which I think would be fun idea, I just think it's probably on lower priority in favor of new things. When the 7th Ultimate comes out in DT maybe we'll start to see the older ultimates start to fade as "must do content" for high end raiding in the same way that old savage tiers have.

  5. I'm never going to get into this kind of content, but this sounds cool as hell! I love the puzzle element of having to play the fight and get the "bad ending" then going back and figuring out how to do things differently.
    Even as a "Normal Only" player, I can definitely sympathize with level/gear scaling essentially destroying encounters. Crystal Tower is the infamous and obvious go-to example for alliance raids that used to have mechanics but now basically just don't anymore, but even in the current raids in Endwalker we're already seeing mechanics get bypassed. Aglaia is a complete joke now, and the "balance" mechanic during the last boss is rare to see. This is still supposedly level-cap content for the current expansion, what the hell!? Makes me sad to think that new players joining now and down the road will just have no idea it even exists.

  6. I thought ultimate (or savage, no clue anymore) had the system, that locked your progression?
    Like there was content, that got easier with every expansion as you could use better gear
    but then there was content, who forces you to be on the state when it got released

  7. Someone who did Mario Kart Suppression in 2021 (it was our first ultimate and the current PF strat seemed scarier for some reason), seeing someone else do it feels almost gratifying. We might have been 3 years late, but at least our pain was not unique. Russian Roulette with a million guns, indeed.

    BTW…. I remember hearing that the mesohigh tether awakening Garuda was a bug that they decided not to fix after people cleared using it. Anything to that?

  8. I lost count of how many things were cut from the game… really sad times we are living. They transformed this game into the most generic experience ever. No matter what you play, it feels the same. We will end up with only one ultimate and one class at this rate.

  9. I progged ucob in early shb, before the shirk and tank mitigation changes. when those rolled in pretty much at our mid point in prog, i felt like at least mitigation-wise, the encounter difficulty dropped significantly. Definitely the ucob i cleared wasnt the ucob that was cleared in stormblood!

  10. I don't touch Ultimates because I'm still scarred from WoW raiding, but the degradation you speak of is a real problem, even in normal content – Before they ilvl synced it recently, the Scions weren't even finishing their speeches during The Final Day. Even after the sync, they still barely finish, you still end up losing Endsinger dialogue, and the song does not get to finish. I did it on the cloud server test and even synced up our gear was still bad enough that I got to hear the full dialogue and song for the first time in over a year, and I honestly wonder if I'll ever hear it in full in-game again. Almost every alliance raid has mechanics no one even knows anymore because you never see them.

    I don't know what the solution is, but I think there needs to be one.

  11. I would have liked if you had called it what it is instead of the silly furry nickname you gave it. It's surely not called UWU, what's the raid called that no longer exists? That's the whole reason I clicked.

  12. There is another Raid as well @Rinon. 1.0 before ARR. Existed a full party instance where you battled a Nael Darnus at Cartineau, Those who completed the fight would be transported back to the entrance of Cartineau. And eveyrone online when the servers were shutdown got to watch the Pre A Realm Reborn cut scene. There are a few fringe youtube video's covering this but not many. And this happened way before the server relaunch of 2.0.

  13. Honestly, already feeling this in EndWalker, we were doing some barbicia reclears recently and she's already nothing like she was in launch in terms of DPS check and damage we take.

  14. This just feels like massive clickbait, the fight is still very much there and doable. Just because it's not what it was doesn't make it gone. Like, the standard strat for Garuda right now is not the only strat (you were intended to awaken her well before the tethers, roughly the same time into the phase as the other primals). The strat used now is because it is easier on the healers (less intense healing) and dps (less precise kill time on the spiney). If anything, killing garyda even faster will foce groups to slove that phase a different way and make the phase harder on healers and dps.

    This is just the nature of a puzzle fight, they're fun, but become outdated quickly. For example, TEA is another big puzzle fight. At this point, the hardest part about TEA is not accidentally killing your doll in phase 1, after that it is pretty consistent and clean. Next expansion it will likely be in the same position UWU is now. That doesnt mean the fight is gone, it's just solved differently. Strats will change, difficutly will change, but it's still an ult. I for one plan to reclear it throughout Dawntrail to see just how much it changes with new consumables and jobs.


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