The FFXIV Healer Nightmare

#ffxiv #ff14
Being a Healer in FFXIV has always been a pain. But with Endwalker, the new raids have brough a new kind of pain to Healers in FF14. With increased damage, more to heal. Healing feels more stressful than ever. But I guess it’s kind of fun too?



21 thoughts on “The FFXIV Healer Nightmare”

  1. I really dislike that outside of high-difficulty content there is almost nothing for healers to… well, HEAL.
    I can understand dungeons, because it is msq content, all kinds of players goes there, if the healer dies it is almost always a wipe, yadda-yadda. But not anymore, starting from ShB and into EW, tanks was progressively getting better at healing/shielding themselves and party members. Hell, Warrior nowadays is unkillable in dungeons. And the role of healer as a source of life was dwindling with each expansion I listed. I wonder where this is going to end. (people farming glams in EW dungeons by runnig 3dps+warrior – go figure)

    But I will never understand why so little challenge is in so-called "optional" content like raids and Alliance raids. All of them get insanely trivialized by overgearing (because no itemlevel sync lol) to the point of outright skipping ENTIRE PHASES OF FIGHT. And there's so little unavoidable damage (f.e. raid-wide attacks) for healers to work with. As long as noone takes vuln stacks, you are basically a terrible caster dps.
    No targets to Esuna, Tanks eating tankbusters for breakfast and asking for more, mechanics coming in ve-e-e-e-ry slowly so quickly recovering party is NOT a necessity.
    Why do we need healer in normal content anyway? Ah, yes, to heal/raise first timers and sleepers. We are just a safety net.

    When the most exciting runs as a healer in normal content are bad runs where people screwed over and you had to actually resort to actively using your abilities – this is not a good design.

    And now there's high-end content which is complete opposite. NOW you are REQUIRED to utilize 100% of your toolkit to keep the party alive AND keep damaging the boss so you can make it before enrage. New healers in extreme/savage gets their arse blasted by the tremendous difficulty spike compared to 90% of other game content. No more "green dps" but an actual healer, who must carefully apply their abilities in proper time. And people wonder why there's shortage of healers in PF nowadays?
    1) Gameplay is still boring, even in ultimate. That leads to…
    2) …playing good as a healer offering much less gratification and sense of accomplishment than doing the same as DPS or a Tank.
    3) Game may teach you the basics, but never lets you to actually apply your abilities to its fullest in normal content.

  2. As a main healer from ARR I totally agree with your take on this. I still play healer, cos well you said it in the video lol.

    I do enjoy healing in harder content but other than that, I can easily start falling asleep. I enjoy it though because I have fast reactions, when shit hits the fan then things actually start to get fun. I love popping off with fast reaction times but we definitely need some TLC…

    I’ve often thought about them reducing the healers in 8 man content to just 1. I’m not sure how it would work, but one of the other times I have a lot of fun is when solo healing.

  3. I'm a healer main, i legit maxed out all 4 of the healers to level 90 before i started stormblood.

    And not wanting to waste exp, i switched classes and got all of my classes to level 70 for shadowbringers.

    And i got to say, i miss healing. I mained white mage until i got my real main the astro. The cards feed my gacha addiction and give damage buffs but do not do as much healing as white mage and i got some damage options that look cool. I enjoy it

    And if i want to spice things up, i like to make things interesting for myself and for the party and start to just not heal until they get super low in hp, so we can all get stressed out together

  4. I mean seriously, if they are going to make healers so simplistic, the least they could do is turn them into green dps and give them a 3 button damaging rotation and some damage ogcds

  5. Personally I've never had an issue with the "Boring" rotation, maybe it's just me but I kinda felt like the complaint was mostly from people who just enjoy things being more difficult to do. I think the current rotation is fine and more easily allows for me to switch from damage to healing at the drop of a hat, I won't have to worry about my combo or rotation so to speak being ruined, especially when I have either newbies or people who actively choose not to play properly. To me it always minds cams off the same way as people complaining about holding aggro as a tank being too easy and I say this as someone who has played since Beta back when playing all these jobs were in fact harder to do and we still had attribute points to worry about, back when Cleric Stance was a thing and we and Lucid Dreaming was still call Shroud of saints when Eos and Selene actually had different abilities and the Astrolgian cards weren't basically all the same. Am I saying there are more issues? No oc course there are but I personally don't think the rotation is one of them.

    Personally, I love being a healer and my biggest issue being a healer is head-headed players that like to blame me for doing the dumb thing they know they shouldn't/can't do then are surprised when the obvious dumb thing goes poorly.

  6. The real healer nightmare is when you are tanking the Dead Ends dungeon, get to the first boss, and the healer won't use esuna… So, you wipe several times on the first boss before rage quitting. Because pressing esuna is TOO DAMN HARD. Come on, man!

  7. A good friend of mine tried out FF XIV shortly after Endwalker released, and I never found out that he had quit after just a few hours and getting to the 16-17 range until several months afterwards, or that that he had tried it at all. He told me that he had started with Conjurer, hoping that playing a healer would get him through queues faster thanks to less people playing them, only for him to tell me: "Maybe there's a reason nobody wants to play healer" That truly said it all, from the mouth of a completely fresh player with few preconceptions. He said that the tiresome and boring quest design was doing it too, but ultimately it was the complete lack of fun in playing CNJ that sealed it.


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