🔴FFXIV Endwalker First Time Story Playthrough | SPOILERS

Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker Main Story (MSQ) Playthrough for the first time.
Over 11 years of history with this game and it all comes down to Endwalker. This livestream will feature full cut scenes and dialog

#ffxiv #sargatanas #endwalker

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0:00 Introduction
2:00 Endwalker MSQ Part 1
2:33:41 Break Time
2:48:16 Endwalker MSQ Part 2


9 thoughts on “🔴FFXIV Endwalker First Time Story Playthrough | SPOILERS”

  1. As we learned in Emet's dialogue during ShB. All sundered souls of Convocation ancients were recruited into Ascians. Because they're parts of the original Convocation members souls, but sundered. Convocation crystals, like Azem's/ours, just imbue them with some of their memories during their time as Ancients. Hope this helps! BTW amazing stream. Love your reactions! 😁

  2. You seem like the type of dad to show baby photos at your childrens wedding lol i finished endwalker and recorded it but no streaming skills and a bad mic made me make it private but watching it back it was a rather extra fun experience, like a time bubble, thanks for inspiring me to record a bunch ( wont spoil ;)) of hours that i fixed to make private. Also wow do i suck at reading.


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