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honestly your title blows it out of proportions as if this is extremely widespread behavior (it's not) and makes it sound like the general populace reacts this way.
I had a bad experience in Ragnarok. Later I had to change my server. Because I refuse to RP with them.
As someone who has very problems with the FF14 community… Yeah you're not wrong.
The fandom's got too much toxic positivity going on, can't lie, I've run into it a few times, but even those few times is too many. If this community is so dang good, people should know better then than to act like entitled assholes.
idk man, from looking at the dates of the tweets to make a timeline of what happened, the person who asked nicely for someone to not bid on the house they wanted, just to get given a massive middle finger by someone going out of their way to be rude, doesn't seem like the bad guy here.
Idk man idk what year the community went to shit but before way before HW lol the community was super toxic as fuck. I remember the holy spamming in Mor Dhona and some fucking person caught a seizure and died while playing the game and people made mad jokes about it. But today you can't even look at someone or they'll become offended and you can't even stand anywhere lest a fucking RPer comes by and reports you for standing in "their scene". Mor Dhona was the cesspool of bullshit i would rather go back to then than to now. Shit was more enjoyable back then.
Facts don't care about your feelings.
Sir you got a sub 👌
I feel you're right, and I agree with the general point of the video. It's a stupid thing to get this buttmad over (and I personally don't see a use for personal housing anyways, so I don't bother trying to get one. I only ever hear about housing drama second or third-hand). There are people that have a bad habit of getting buttmad over a lot of ultimately trivial and inconsequential things, and do need some perspective metaphorically slapped back into them.
But I think it's perfectly right to say FFXIV's community is generally amazing at the same time, because the game is designed in a way that doesn't foster negativity mechanically, and so it's rarer to encounter a 'bad time' in your day-to-day play, unless you're caught up in sub-community drama or you're actively looking for shit to be mad about. Me, I learned a long time ago that the game and playerbase are a lot more pleasant if I just avoid the Social Media side of the community. No Twitter/Forums/Reddit/"Community" Discords. That's where the drama lives, not generally inside the game, and my experience is 900% improved by not knowing what kind of BS is being whined about 99.9% of the time.
To quote my favorite Muppets Take Manhattan lines, "Peoples is peoples". And that's true no matter where you go. Some places are just better at keeping the bad behavior relegated to the sidelines, and FFXIV is one such place.
It's not as much "FFXIV drama" than "people drama", and people play FFXIV so the game is not immune.
There's no filter when subscribing that keeps annoying people at bay, as ARR mostly filters those who don't like to read and want to mash their keyboards during dungeons: some of those we lose there may be more grounded in reality than those who kept going.
Sadly, the more "the FFXIV community is nice" is being thrown around, the more it will attract those in need of a "safest place" (and mental help from a professional) who will throw a tantrum at the slightest inconvenience.
I'm so happy someone finally put this to words. The community is so weird at times – and no not the rp – that it legit chased me back to wow for a few months. In wow we at least do tell others that we slept with their moms, but we do not ban them lol. Children.
I think overall the community in XIV is pretty good, especially compared to most of the other MMO's on the market right now. the worst parts of it are definitely a lot more vocal than everyone else though.
"I asked nicely, so you're not allowed to tell me no."
"We're a super friendly and inclusive community, so if you do something we don't like you can gtfo."
Positivity enforcers really are the worst people.
I started xiv 3 years ago. And my first fc of cosplayers were EXTREMELY TOXIC. They were the kind of people to gatekeep the fc of spoilers even such as me asking for help for shiva. They would actively flaunt there savage clears and expensive mansion. They would bully sprouts for not doing msq and mass complaining to have me kicked because I tried to stand up to it. Result was 1 girl did a livestream in the fc where she basically bullied me for an hour straight insulting my appearance, my level 50 characters glam and dps. Diring the alliance raid she also was trying to use her followers against me by getting me vote kicked right before final boss. I've also had twitter trans nutcases after me dubbing me transphobic because I said " did you just assume my gender" this one resulted in doxxing me and irl letters being sent to me by them.
No. These weren't wow players. These were ff players who thought that because this game was niche they could do this. And it's sooooo many of them and I've had soooo many experiences of entire fcs harassing me that honestly. I say this game has one of the WORST COMMUNITIES because of how well they go out there way to hide it or say these people are rare. No. These people are EVERYWHERE and ppl need to open there eyes
So, they aren't obligated to accept the plea of that person, however, leaving a greeting like that and being an ass about it is also completely unnecessary and of course you look like a dickhead.
But that all changes when you rally people to try and mass report, that makes you WAY WAY more of a total privileged scumbag
Simps will destroy the world.
People should report those idiots instead of the guy who won the dang plot
Mass report those beggers !
Its not fair to report someone to whom you lost the plot , he won that plot fair. This baboon keysley isnt entitled to it. Everyone wants to have a plot. If you didnt win this time then wait and try next time. Grow up already and this is freaking game jeez.
If the guy who won the plot , gets banned (Hope he doesnt get banned for this stupidity caused by that moron keysley) , karma will whoop his /her butt one way or another
Thats being said… that person is being dramatic for no actual real cause along with bunch of morons who are on his or her side …this is so silly..
"Pwease don't bid on my plot, I'll be super toxic if you do"
Whatever happened to "Hiring your FC mates to camp your plot in a FC/Private ward to make it look unattractive to bid snipers?"
I feel like the ffxiv community would have a heart attack if someone said something passively aggressive to them
Fuck you mean ur gonna "treat yourself to something nice" you are such a pussy
I'd hop on an alt & bid on that plot just to be an asshole
Hell I have a good few times where I ran into the toxic side of ff14. Just today I had my cotank purposely wipe the raid on snakes 2 because, and I quote, “I’m bored and wanted to see what would happen.” The other times were when sage just dropped and people who were lvling them in dungeons were SO TOXIC. Like I was doing the 81 dungeon from EW to level up my red mage. Tank kept dying after too many big pulls, so when I tried to insta rez everyone to keep the fight going the sage says “can you stop rezzing ppl that’s my job.” So I told them “well so is healing and I’m doing both better than you rn sooooo yea!” Long story short, they left
Realest shit I've ever heard
Those "fully grown" people are also entitled shits in real life too. It's their personality.
Aaah you had me until you quoted ben shapiro at the end. thats so disappointing lol
People forget that the toxic people in good communities are the worst as they are either delusional or dishonest.