FFXIV Endwalker Zodiark Theme


39 thoughts on “FFXIV Endwalker Zodiark Theme”

  1. First off, really great that the community is so fast at releasing the music!

    second off, WHY WAS THIS THE FIRST THING THAT POPPED TO ME WHEN I JUST GOOGLED THE MAIN THEME!!!!!! I only finished the tower )))):

  2. I'm listening to this without any story context and just like, what even HAPPENS in the story to where Zodiark, the entity that it seemed like was being built up to the final boss for YEARS, is the first trial of the expansion
    I was thoroughly expecting this to be the final boss theme too given the pattern with previous launch trailers too

  3. If you look everywhere on YouTube, other people had at least the decency to not only hide the thumbnail but also the boss name. God I know everyone wants to be the first one to post but it costs nothing to but spoiler warnings.

  4. Use a spoiler image and spoiler tag for the name please. I knew this boss would be coming but it is annoying to have the full image of the arena and the boss come up when you just search Endwalker. Just be considerate of others please.

  5. Actually this is less of a spoiler but a nice confirmation
    the time to mess with Zodiark is at hand, after 8 years.

    But wait… Zodiark is NOT late into the game?

    …Oh my. There's quite a lot coming and that ending is gonna boom.
    Very intrigued about what's happening later (on the moon?).
    But currently I can't play and enjoy it because the login queues are congested
    and players even to have built around a competition about who's
    getting in first, leaving me a bit… dumbfounded <.<

    Oh well, I'm just here to enjoy the music.

  6. Does this guy have an enrage? I've been wondering how they are faring on FF12 references for Zodiark. At least they kept Elidibus' Ascian Mark from FF12 Zodiark's Esper Glyph and I saw one of Zodiark's attacks named "Opheos Eidolon" that looks like an onslaught of snakes. Fitting and representative of the Ophiuchus Zodiac Sign for Zodiark in FF12. And while I'm expecting something like Final Eclipse as one of Zodiark's attacks, seems like Astral Eclipse will do.

  7. Am I the only person that found the fight itself kinda dissapointing? I mean we're fighting an almost god thats been build up since the beginning and it just feels like it lacks scope and could've been bigger and more epic


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