The Enigmatic Iceheart & the Intricacies of Ishgard || Final Fantasy XIV #57


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11 thoughts on “The Enigmatic Iceheart & the Intricacies of Ishgard || Final Fantasy XIV #57”

  1. Aww, I'm sad more of the actual fight with Shiva didn't make it into the video. The wipe that happened on stream was pretty amusing, as was Skyen's reaction to learning the ground becomes slippery when it turns to ice.

    During the stream, I tried to call attention to the Diamond Dust animation, but because I was doing it in advance, I tried to be deliberately vague to avoid spoiling it directly. As a result, and with how hectic the battle actually was, a funny little detail about the animation went unnoticed I think. Thankfully, I get another chance to point it out now! So, an amusing note about Diamond Dust, when Shiva casts it, she picks one player at random in the raid and appears directly over their head just before she clicks her heel. She is literally doing 'Step on me, Mommy'.

  2. While he could do with something more flashy, haurchefant looking like just another npc can help show that he doesn't hold himself above his men, or that he favours practically (for an rpg anyway) over style.

  3. Ohhh, we're getting so close to Heavensward now, the excitement is real!

    A note on how human Shiva (and Ramuh) look in contrast to the other primals. Yes, for Shiva it was in part because Lady Iceheart was using herself as a vessel for the summoning, but a far more important fact is that primals take their form based on the beliefs of those who summoned them. It's not an exact science (as you may one day learn, a long long time from now), but as we're aware from the story Shiva specifically was a real elezen who once lived, and so the primal created in her image will naturally resemble an actual elezen. In a similar manner, it's heavily believed that the Sylphs' worship of Ramuh likely stems from the race's relationship with an old elezen man many generations ago whose image slowly over time was deified by their culture. Another obvious example is that Good King Moggle Mog is a big moogle because he's also based on a real moogle king from the moogles' history. The other primals we have less direct background on, they simply are the tribes' deities but will be informed by the collective image that race has of their deity.

  4. Localising foreign names is a difficult thing. I always say that I will never fault an English localisation for replacing the phonemes that aren't used in the English language. "They don't pronounce the French R correctly, either." But when I hear a butchered pronunciation of my language, I cannot help but be miffed about it.
    PS: Hearing the Icelandic Google Translate Text-to-Speech trying to pronounce Miðgarðsormr is hilarious. The poor TTS sounds like it's having a panic attack.

  5. I have to disagree on Haurchefant's design. i really like it cus it suits who he is, or at least how he see's himself. He's not some super important general nor a destined hero. no he's jus another solider among many, doing his best for his to defend his homeland, he seeks neither fame nor fortune (only to get into your pants). So having him in basic chainmail shirt fits IMO.

  6. Tiny Vauge Spoilers In regards to Shivas Design.

    I agree but I also understand why she was designed that way. The primal is based on how she saw Shiva. The real shiva is most known for laying with a dragon. When put in that context primal Shiva being near but naked and in something akin to lingerie makes sense. Sex was a asset of Shiva story. Primal are manifestation of peoples belief through aether and crystals.

  7. It was that comment about a half dozen knights having to hold Haurchefant down from running off to either save us or stop us that made me fall in love with the character. Haurchefant is the best!


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