The Dungeon with 12 Different Endings – Getting Every Achievement in FFXIV #36

This week I finally jumped back into The Sil’dihn Subterrane, Final Fantasy XIV’s first Variant Dungeon. Leave it to me to wait until Dawntrail to knock out some of Endwalker’s most unique content. Now maybe someday I’ll do the criterion version.

Chocorpokkur Promo:


48 thoughts on “The Dungeon with 12 Different Endings – Getting Every Achievement in FFXIV #36”

  1. Anyone remember that one Avatar: The Last Airbender game for the original Xbox which awarded a full 1000 gamer score for pressing one button about 50 times on the first screen?

  2. Cider, obviously it's too late for this one, but the Variant dungeons have a bit of a THING. Depending on the path, same bosses when taking an alternate path to them will have subtly altered mechanics. And the first boss will sometimes have a choice that alters a mechanic, even if it doesn't change the ending pathing (opening the pipes on the left path is one of those as I recall).

    Something that could be of use when you dive into the other two (so far) Variant dungeons.

  3. Cider, obviously it's too late for this one, but the Variant dungeons have a bit of a THING. Depending on the path, same bosses when taking an alternate path to them will have subtly altered mechanics. And the first boss will sometimes have a choice that alters a mechanic, even if it doesn't change the ending pathing (opening the pipes on the left path is one of those as I recall).

    Something that could be of use when you dive into the other two (so far) Variant dungeons.

  4. Cyder, you can go with random people, if you check the "Enable party matching" above the "Register for Duty" button.
    I don't remember, I haven't go back, since I already clear all they V&C dungeons.

  5. These dungeons have some pretty rewards in the form of pets and other miscellaneous things like furnitures and the parasol Cider got in the video.

    If you are reading this and want to grind, remember that you get an additional chest (and thus an additional chance at this loot) if you take the route the npc suggests at the start. Nice to help the monotony since you might fight different bosses.

  6. TT achievements when? Luckily for you, your other Achievement work will already take care of most of the grind you have to do to collect all the cards and play all the NPCs.

  7. I tried something like this once. I had the idea of reading every book in a library I used to work at.

    Then I realized they were adding new books at a faster rate than I could read them and said, “F— it.”

  8. Progress report. Lalachievements score 17,030.

    I'd say that any hope of regaining my lead is long forgotten, but the reality is that I just haven't really been putting in the effort. Another slow week. I got the achievement for clearing the last fight of the new raid tier 5 times, between doing my own run for gear and running with friends for their gear, and I picked up Mixing It Up: Apprentice while doing in-between crafts for CRP furniture to marketboard. And that's it.

    I've enjoyed Dawntrail quite a bit, but at the moment I've only really got one friend actively playing. Two more are very slowly making their way through MSQ, and several others are so slammed by work this summer they haven't even started, so my usual group of people to do content with is somewhat fractured, and doing group content with friends is the stuff that gives me fuel to do achievement grinds and the like.

  9. i'm glad you're alright CS 😭🙏 at least the video still came out extremely well done imo, thought it was just as hilarious (albeit unfortunate at times) as the rest. the only variant dungeon i 100%'d was alo-alo so i'll have to come back and do this one and the 2nd one later on lmao

  10. I wish variant dungeons had a roulette associated with them. I'd love to be able to hop into them with random people.
    I still occasionally do Sil'dah solo just to hang out with Nanamo. Helps take the sting off of not being able to invite npcs to your island…

  11. My sister and I have 2-manned all three of the Variant dungeons, going through without any spoilers, solving all the puzzles ourselves! It’s extremely fun to do together and I can’t wait for more of them in DT! 😊

  12. Fun Fact you need to read the story entries to get the answers and clues to uncover the last hidden routes puzzles. I assume you just followed a guide from people who already solved it.

  13. Of note, but the Variant dungeons not only synch your gear but also buff up every role to have about the same damage, so imo doing it on Tank is the easiest since you have a ton of mitigation from your kit and the Spirit Dart action is very strong too. Also going the same path as the npc gives you 2 chests before the final boss and while most of the time the chests just have fireworks there is also a chance for minions, housing items and fashion accessories, all of which sell for a ton because nobody does the content. That last part is also true for all the things you can buy with the podsherds from the npc vendor since for some reason they made everything sellable lol

    Edit: Also Also, changing things to trigger different paths ALSO changes the boss mechanics, so thats why those Staffs suddenly pull you in instead of pushing you back or why Silkie summons Jugs in one fight but not the other.

    Edit Edit: I find it funny how your connection says EXCELLENT despite the fact you keep having massive issues for almost 2 weeks now after a couple hours of play, something is definitely screwed.

  14. I love being able to be independent in doing content but also. I don't want to have to do bosses over and over again because I f*cked up. No idea when I'm gonna do the variant dungeons

  15. For the Variant Dungeons, while you "can" run it with up to four players, everything scales to a degree. And by scales, I mean that the bosses' health pools get larger. Everything will still die faster than if you're going solo, and if you bring rez, single deaths aren't a reset. Just make sure you bring friends with you to experience the torture together and make it a little more bearable.

  16. I adore Variant dungeons, but I do wish there was some kind of long-term incentive to go back to them more. Maybe if they were an option in WT or something?? But part of why I love them is how the boss mechanics adjust in response to the different choices/paths you take while getting all the different endings. Really gave me a "He's not serious, is he?" moment ~ 12:30 when Zeless Gah was casting "Infern WELL" instead of "Infern GALE" and Cider expected the same mechanics lmao.

  17. You've inspired me to go back and do the first variant dungeon, and probably the other two in due time. Not sure if i should thank you but it is more interesting than farming gear.

  18. When he noticed, "This takes a while to kill" … and the solution of "a party" … nope, that just multiplies it's hitpoints, so it still takes just as long. Just more people SUFFER!

  19. I dove right into the criterion when the released, and farmed this one pretty quickly.. then forgot they existed and haven't touched on since.. Didn't even know there were 3 now, so I guess that's something to work on lol. Sorry you've had a rough week, take some R&R… but not in Dawntrail, bad vacation lol.

  20. I love the variants, all the goofy puzzles are actually really clever if you try to figure them out yourself, or with friends, it's actually the perfect content for a couple of people because how its balanced to any party size and the bosses are pretty fun.

    Tho my fave part is definitely the midboss Geryon because while every boss is different on each route he's always the same, and if you read his lore card it explains he's some ambitious giant who wants to build his own empire in the underground ruins. So he's constantly running between routes with armfuls of bossfight gimmicks, probably extremely out of breath, every time you pick a route, hurriedly setting up his stupid mechanics just in time for you to show up and kick his ass repeatedly.

  21. I really like the variant dungeons, it's insane that there's no variant roulette. When you roulette in they could make it so the suggested route leads to an ending someone in the party doesn't have yet

  22. Do the Variant Dungeons go faster with more people? I soloed every for two of them (and most of the routes for the third) and it just felt like they dragged on and on and I'm wondering if I should've just shanghai'd some people into doing all the work.

  23. First, glad you're OK. Second, the reason the boss had different mechanics is because you flipped the switch before hand differently. The different switches and paths and such determine boss mechanics. Doing different stuff can lead to new endings – maybe, I mostly lucked into finishing the Subterrane and haven't tried the rest. The lore you get from other endings or the stuff you see in other paths also gives you hints for other paths and endings (which you probably knew).


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