Blizzard put Overwatch on Steam in what is generally considered a desperation move in order to salvage the games fading population. Now, granted, putting a game from one PC outlet onto another is nowhere near the same as porting it to another console, but it's still a similar move.
Ill say it 😂 back in 2022 the server raiden was busy as fudge but now its not as busy. I think its dead; the gane simply lacks active players. A new expansion is due soon anyway right.
Sometimes, they might port a game to draw new players in. Something similar happened when SWTOR was released on Steam. Massive influx of players, many of which were still playing last I checked.
not dying.., but doubt it will win 3rd time in a row "best ongoing game of the year" (but FF14 deserved that award since 5.0 for every year upto the last year..)
Hugest copium ever, same as the wow nerds who were in denial of wow being dead, huff that copium bro, i'm sure they'll come back they will they will! lmao!
Oh yes, I do still see a bunch of people playing UT2k4. Game is thriwing. – end of sarcasm. But yes, ff14 is not dying. But there are dying games, it happens to the best.
The accident is not your fault, Ohshizzle. Let the game go. I know I know, some time I swear I just afk in Limsa, then I blinked and realised the game is gone. Let it go. It wasn't your fault
yay Xbox!!!!!!!!!!!
Blizzard put Overwatch on Steam in what is generally considered a desperation move in order to salvage the games fading population.
Now, granted, putting a game from one PC outlet onto another is nowhere near the same as porting it to another console, but it's still a similar move.
Exactly! They gotta port this game to a dead console to make that console feel alive again! I agree!
I feel like the people who say that are those who don't play the game anymore and just want others to not play it either.
Well you srsly just sound super toxic ans offended there ppl telling ya that lol.
Ofc the 14 community shrinkee extremely and noticeable though its far from dead.
Especially because of the release on xbox SE wants to gaim customers and comprehend their prev trash gamea.
Dead game. No content for over a year. FFXI, a 20 year old game, updates content once a month. XIV is dead.
Ill say it 😂 back in 2022 the server raiden was busy as fudge but now its not as busy. I think its dead; the gane simply lacks active players. A new expansion is due soon anyway right.
Sometimes, they might port a game to draw new players in. Something similar happened when SWTOR was released on Steam. Massive influx of players, many of which were still playing last I checked.
not dying.., but doubt it will win 3rd time in a row "best ongoing game of the year"
(but FF14 deserved that award since 5.0 for every year upto the last year..)
Content drought is real for sure, but thats more a "nap" than "death"
The game is not dead. It's the players.😏
Hugest copium ever, same as the wow nerds who were in denial of wow being dead, huff that copium bro, i'm sure they'll come back they will they will! lmao!
Oh yes, I do still see a bunch of people playing UT2k4. Game is thriwing. – end of sarcasm. But yes, ff14 is not dying. But there are dying games, it happens to the best.
If ff14 dies, its not because of the game , its because squeenix is dangerously close to going under.
14 is dead game until next expansion drop then it gonna be 3h queue again, that how it goes with every mmo at the end of an expansion.
Game aint dead or dying, the patch content is just horrible, 6.5 is genuinely gonna bring about an afternoon of content
Just because they are bored (for the moment) doesnt mean the game is dying. People are so annoying
Ther just dying inside qhen playing cuz there burnt out
The game is definitely far from dead. Sure, the content could be better, but queues alone prove that a ton of people are playing.
It's end of expansion fatigue. Happens everytime, go play something else. Seriously. The developers encourage it.
They would also not create a new patch for a game who is not doing well. It would be better to use their time to create a new game.
Considering FFXI isn't even dead should be an indication that FFXIV isn't dying anytime soon.
Everytime I hear "it's dying, it's dead" it's hilarious
Because you're taking about it, shows it's significant enough to be talked about. If it was dying, no one would even care to talk about it
14 is not dying but the idea about they doesn't release dying game on other platform is dumb AF
The accident is not your fault, Ohshizzle. Let the game go. I know I know, some time I swear I just afk in Limsa, then I blinked and realised the game is gone. Let it go. It wasn't your fault
It's like xeno said it it's not dead people are not burning out they are just bored
It’s not dying but content needs to be more persistent
It's usually rage induced neck beards that are playing fortnite that say this with their autism.
i just discovered eureka after 2 years of gaming cause i am building together a glamour god im addicted af atm in those zones 😂