As we close out the content from Heavensward, we take on the Warring Triad in an epic trilogy of trials, meeting new friends and foes along the way in our neverending quest to save Eorzea from certain doom! Hope you enjoy!
Heavensward Playthrough Playlist:
Final Fantasy 14 Playlist:
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Intro 0:00 – 0:43
The Stranger 0:43 – 4:02
Introductions 4:02 – 10:20
Containment Bay S1T7 (Sephirot) 10:20 – 17:21
Regula van Hydrus 17:21 – 20:17
Back at the Rising Stones 20:17 – 23:38
Broken Ward 23:38 – 27:19
A Bloody Reunion 27:19 – 35:29
Confronting Unukalhai 35:29 – 38:49
Rising Stones 38:49 – 40:47
The Meracydians 40:47 – 45:21
Containment Bay P1T6 (Sophia) 45:21 – 55:46
Perished Thralls 55:46 – 1:00:02
An Unlikely Alliance 1:00:02 – 1:10:05
Containment Bay Z1T9 (Zurvan) 1:10:05 – 1:18:17
A New Friend 1:18:17 – 1:24:47
Thoughts & Outro 1:24:47 – 1:26:09
#2caves #finalfantasy #ffxiv
hehehehee…..I understand your frustration with the back and forth between the rising stones and azys lla……at the time this all came out, we had to wait a while (months) between fights so it made sense at the time to go back to the rising stones and end the quest there each time.
Forgot how awesome the Zurvan song was
Just as an FYI this is a nod to Final Fantasy VI and 3 major figures from the game.
I absolutely LOVED this raid series! Before 14, FF6 was my favorite in the franchise, and every callback and Easter egg to it always make me do happy giggles. And yes, the Warring Triad are from FF6. They were a major part of the game's plot.
And its funny you mention PM5K. Spider One, leader of the group, tried to throw shade at Soken over this track, but was put in his place after being told that he didn't own the industrial metal genre. However, to avoid any possible additional backlash, Sephirot remains the one boss fight whose theme isn't included on his mount. Instead, his mount, the Warring Lanner, uses the theme from the first half of the fight. Its called "Battle to the Death", and it was actually an updated version of the major boss theme from FF6.
Trial series are great in FFXIV. Can't wait for you to do one in Shadowbringers.
Fun fact: Koji Fox took only 2 hours to write the lyrics to P1T6 (Sophia).
The meaning behind the lyrics are also incredibly messed up. From the wiki:
According to Michael-Christopher Koji Fox, the lyrics describe a Meracydian family torn apart by war against the Allagans and Sophia's brand of "justice" and "balance": after the father is slain in battle by the Allagans ("A torn uniform in hand, farewells unsaid"), the mother becomes abusive ("Forsaken, beaten, tried, on her knees") and, at Sophia's request, the daughter murders the mother to restore the imbalance created by her father's death ("The heart seeketh equilibrium / With balance will your worry part"), and then commits suicide, punishing herself for murder and leaving their home empty and forgotten ("And therewith shoulder thee / One last step only leaving / An empty hearth down by the sea").
You're not the only one who thought that Sephirot's theme sounded like Powerman. The band thought it sounded too much like their big hit as well, and threatened to take SE to court over it. Soken's defense basically boiled down to "I had never heard of you guys" and nothing more came of it because, well, burden of proof would have been on Powerman to show that Soken had heard of them before the trial came out…
One random point. Regarding the complaint of having to leave and go back. Bear in mind that each fight was an individual quest, placed months apart on initial release.
I found out a lot of people just give up on Unukalhai's name and just call him Ukulele, and so did I, because that just works.
THIS is the one ive been waiting for 💯
Considering how you pronounce Unukalhai, you actually did it correctly the first time you said it. Part of the reason you have to keep going back to the Rising Stones is that he is also the quest giver for Ravana EX and Bismarck EX, and has another quest to unlock Sephirot EX, Sophia EX, and Zurvan EX.
Now, while Unukalhai won't do much of anything after all those quests are complete, be sure to keep him in the back of your mind further on down the road…….
You might not believe this, but you actually pronounced Unukalhai's name right on on your very first try! Oonuh- (or Oonoo-)-kall-hi
Also fun fact, the song used in Sephirot's second phase- "Fiend" -was actually accused of being a ripoff of "When Worlds Collide," but Yoshi-P responded it wasn't and Soken also told Yoshi-P that he was unaware of "When Worlds Collide" during the composing of the song
Oh you like Nier now, do ya? Well just you wait.
This is a fun trial series! I enjoy the continued exploration of Allagan lore throughout the game, how you can slowly piece together all the history that leads to where we are today in the aftermath of Dalamud. The music is consistently great in this series, too.
in term of theme, all 3 of the Triad's names come from religious concepts
Sephirot/Sefirot, meaning emanations, are the 10 attributes/emanations in Kabbalah, through which Ein Sof (The Infinite) reveals itself and continuously creates both the physical realm and the chain of higher metaphysical realms. The diagram depicting these emanations is usually known as "Tree of Life", hence the tree theme.
In Gnosticism, Sophia, meaning wisdom, is a feminine figure, analogous to the human soul but also simultaneously one of the feminine aspects of God. As for the demiurge, they are artisan-like figures responsible for fashioning and maintaining the physical universe.
As for Zurvan, the name comes from Zurvanism, fatalistic religious movement of Zoroastrianism in which the divinity Zurvan is a first principle (primordial creator deity) who engendered equal-but-opposite twins, Ahura Mazda (Lord of Wisdom) and Angra Mainyu (Spirit of Evil).
0:00 — gets popcorn XD
Unukalhai… he is the reason I'll advise thus: level up one job of each role, healer, tank, melee, physical range and magic 🙂
5:30 — They do this a lot . Many bosses in FF14 are a homage to the older games, which is actually a very good marketing strategy. However, as someone who doesnt know the other FF games, I can tell you, there nothing you miss on when it comes to understanding the story in FF14. Thankfully, I might add 😀
37:00 — Correct.
38:44 — Well, remember there were a couple months between these… But you're right… jumping back and forth is tedious – and costs. Why not set up a base somewhere close? Though… I guess since people can just teleport everywhere they want…
48:53 — The trick is to watch the weights she throws onto the scales. You have to look left and right and the white blueish weights are heavier than the yellow ones.
50:18 — The song is… well, its creepy. Its really weird, and the text is super creepy. If ancient meracidians believed in that, thannnn… maybe the Allagans had it right all along? – I mean, of course, they didnt, but that song is… it doesnt have a positive vibe ^^°
Thanks 2caves, your reactions are curing my boredom one video at the time. Its might be too early for this but if you want to experience ALL of the story in Shadowbringers, meaning: to get a LITTLE extra, you will want to level a tank, a healer and a mage for it in addition to your bard. It will become clear when you reach the point. Im saying this because maybe you want to level them now. Or not. Im not your mom 🙂 Anyway thanks for awesome videos as always!
the phase one music of all three is the boss music from ff6, the game they all appeared in as a boss gauntlet before the final boss. everyone loves sephirots music, which is good, but to this day Zurvan is still one of my all time favorite encounters in the game. the music, the visual narrative progression of the fight, the super attack, the voice lines, its my favorite.
The reason you go back and foward because the story update release in every big patch so every time you go back to rising stone, you enter the next story patch.
I'm happy to see your channel grow. Your comments are great and I love that you really follow closely. Keep it up! Btw. with regards to the Warring Triad being connected to the main story, you will be surprised how much everything in this game is accounted for at some point, sometimes expansions later.
omg, you said his name right. Im so proud. 1:21