Watch PeridotLoL’s reaction to the phase transition in P4S or Pandemonium: The Fourth Circle (Savage) in FFXIV Endwalker!
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Watch PeridotLoL’s reaction to the phase transition in P4S or Pandemonium: The Fourth Circle (Savage) in FFXIV Endwalker!
Watch PeridotLoL on Twitch –
"curious about the music"
Looks like Hundun
Vampire night final form?
Vampire Garuda Dude
Damn. It released yesterday and you're already there.
Ok. Seriously. What dev was playing Castlevania during development?
Apply holy water liberally.
Someone at stream said it looks like an Elemental/Destiny Hero and I completely agree
It's over, Crowley! I fuse my Elemental Hero Avian with my Elemental Hero Burstinatrix… To summon the Elemental Hero: Phoenix Enforcer in Attack mode!
Makes me regret I don't play savage. Oh well, guess I have to get better at the game.
chose the worst reaction to post tbh, these guys were braindead true savage raiders and got salty instead of hyped
I get some real Castlevania vibes from this
He resuses Diablos Hollow's model. I like to think that Hesperos's soul shard on the 13th would become Diablos based on those long forgotten memories.
I'm gonna take a quick stab and bet the next boss is the Shadow Queen.
Pazuzu, Vampire Edition 🧛🏻♂️
"Behold my true form AND DESPAIR!"
Okay someone in Creative unit 3 really loves old Konami
Myotismon is that you?
Amazing but neo-exdeath transition still top 1, man
Confused. Why are they mad about the cutscene? Or sad about it? These guys sound miserable and not like they are having a good time. Honestly the reaction is the same reaction I have when someone doubles my work at my job because someone called out sick. So wierd.
Somebody really loved Castlevania ^^
I thought for sure it'd be more akin to the Castlevania Dracula transformation.
Guess he really is Dracula
Looking like elemental hero avian
Wow, my man really digivolved from Myotismon to VenomMyotismon
Do these people hear themselves speak? Literal cringe.