Stop being impatient! #FFXIV

A short about how annoying insta-pullers and gap-close pullers are. Also making use of the extended shorts timer!


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#FFXIV #Dawntrail #shorts


39 thoughts on “Stop being impatient! #FFXIV”

  1. One thing that's funny about this is that these people are probably the same ones who will cry that X person is shit and that they should use food and pots and that this is a team game, we should respect other peoples time, etc etc. But when it comes to playing with randoms in content outside of week 1 savage and ulti, anything goes and if they're called out on any of it they'll cry about people being entitled while at the same time getting mad on behalf of the rest of the party who hasn't said anything. XD

  2. No lies told. Thats what turned me off from doing endgame raids because I never could learn what to do. Even if I tried, I always ended up in some toxic group that just made me feel like shit and I just end up quitting all together.

    Because of this, I let my account turn off with no intention of even coming back for Dawntrail.

    And it sucks because I really wanted to play that expansion. It didnt help that the mounts I wanted were locked in dungeons I couldnt complete under any circumstance.

  3. What’s worst about this is it feels like a no win scenario. You go healer/dps and the tank pulls immediately. You go tank and either the co tank or the dps/healers pull.

    I don’t know what the other DCs have been like, but on EU I’ve noticed that in the new AR about half of people aren’t waiting even for cutscenes. Which is a fruitless because those thirty seconds they saved turn into minutes because people have been killed by cleaves.

    Glad someone had the nerve to point out how much of a massive thing this has become.

  4. Wesk, THANK YOU!!

    I played PCT in an expert once and the tank had sprint on constant cooldown. I was miserable and I should have said “slow down”. I had trouble with rotations (was still learning job at level cap), I sometimes forgot to paint.

    When I tank, I’ve had healers sprint ahead of me and start pulling. It pisses me off to no end. What is your damn hurry, people? For new content I do not sprint at all if there is someone doing dungeon 1st time…and yet others are sprinting ahead of me. It aggravates me. Why is your time more valuable than the rest of the party’s?

  5. In a perfect world I agree but I don't think the average player even watches XIV youtube videos or visits a a XIV discord. They are just ignorant to it. I've never seen anyone request or recommend a countdown in game either.

  6. i would always run behind in that long hall run before the nero fight bc my laptop was old and my loading times were hella long, every time a tank waited for me i would give them a commendation which didn't happen that often…
    now that i have better loading times, when i tank i wait for everyone 😤

  7. As someone who's been playing picto this tier, oh my freaking gosh yes. Not even having time to prepull paint before 7.1 made you load in with your paintings ready was completely and utterly debilitating, much less needing 5-ish seconds for prepull rainbow drip so my entire everything about my entire opener – and thus the one thing that makes the class really strong – is just gone and adding a long time (closer to 20 seconds mid-pull for what should have been closer to 10 pre-pull) before the ball can get rolling (also desynchronizing everyone's raid buffs for their burst phase?)

    It's not even newer players doing it either, most of the players I see doing it have a Legend title equipped.

  8. countdowns I agree with being optimal but pulling with tank ranged attacks offers only some very fight specific benefit and those fights are nowadays very few and far between and the use of them has become increasingly more pointless.

  9. I remembered I accidentally pulled the last boss of Aglaia as Ninja because I forgot Huton was a ranged attack now. I apologized of course, but felt bad cause there were new timers there.

  10. This is not really an issue imo, just a loud minority that gets annoyed by it. I always quick pull and more people like that approach instead of standing around for no reason, I tried both over the last 2 years. in 4/5 cases pull timers get ignored anyway, even short ones plus lot's of people don't care about proper openers anyway and those who do are good enough to adjust.

  11. I'll make a driving analogy! These are the same people you see bouncing from one lane to the next in slow moving highway traffic. They must go, they must "feel" like they are making progress, they are the only one who matters. That "progress" is often a one car length at a time exercise. The funny part is, I stay in the same lane, keep slowly rolling about four car lengths behind the car in front of me. More often than not, I inevitably always ends up passing them. Just grin'n and chill'n as I give them the slow wave! XD. This is the current human condition in many things. Being considerate of others was once a thing, not so much anymore.

  12. 1:40 As a novice AST, I thank you. I can't even count the number of times I had a Tank die on me, all because they wanted to "zerg rush" the dungeon. As a novice DRK as well, I get the "wall2wall" method of tackling dungeons, but I always make sure the Healer is BESIDE me and not be left behind.

  13. I get what you are saying but if you are doing a normal raid it kinda doesn't really matter if you do a proper opener or not it's whatever it's casual

    It's different if you ignore someone's questions tho that's just being a jerk

  14. mmm. I get where this is coming from, but on the other hand it doesn't seem to matter which side of the equation you're on. When I play tank and go just a little too slow, both DPS and healers tend to rush ahead and either wait at the mobs or pull themselves. When I'm heal or DPS, the tank sprints like there's no tomorrow. If there's a wipe in a dungeon, everyone slows down the next attempt.
    I do agree that it's a bit much on Trials/raids, though. There's pretty much no benefit to rush ahead in those.

  15. It took me a long time to understand all the early dungeon mechanics because people would rush and clear everything before i had the chance to look around and see what’s going on. also the ones who pull 15-20 enemies to rush and make me rapid fire press every button on my controller to keep them alive, but at least it keeps things interesting 😅

  16. as whm what I do to prepull on time as i can, is i regen at -4s on countdown and then mash my glare, since 4-2.5 is 1.5, the next cast will neatly come out about as close to start as you can get it. And the first few auros get a little extra healing for free, though that isnt as important most of the time. Its nice because its a lot easier to just guage off the 4 than it is to try and guess when "-1.5" is since the cd doesnt have fractions I dont think

  17. I am actually curious to see the math for which is faster, 16s countdown vs pulling immediately, countdown is included in total fight duration.

    I would assume if people do an accelerated pre-pull, no countdown would be faster, since that's at least 6 GCDs times 8 players less in the "proper opener" fight.

  18. This was a satisfying addition to my morning. I still have this memory of when I was new to endgame in shadowbringers, and healing e12(normal) when it was still new content, and there was a pair of tank and dps who were rush pulling and burning lb3 immediately (nowhere near end of fight). And when I suggested we hold it for rez, they openly made fun of me before leaving a few wipes in, due to everyone (myself included) getting hit by aoes. The last pull had that small safe spot and I was trying to raise the party while also getting to the safe spot and failed 😅
    Good times.

  19. Many times i try to do a pull timer of like 7-10 seconds…but that other tank pulls immedeately to claim MT status. Im sick of it. MT is not about threat, its ensuring everyone can start fresh. Why i always wait until everyone is over the line in dungeons and ready check before raid bosses


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