Starting Savage as a Healer – Advanced White Mage Guide [Final Fantasy XIV]

“How do I spam Glare?” It’s a hard question, but look no further. If you want to let tanks die for your personal damage gains, I’ve got you. This guide goes over some deeper White Mage concepts and optimizations for Savage+ content in Final Fantasy XIV. I am a decently-performing Savage raider who always comes back to WHM and I thought I’d share some of what I’ve learned with the broader community!

This guide has no pretensions to being the world’s highest authority on endgame WHM content, but I AM reasonably certified to teach beginner and intermediate healers some of the ins and outs of what high end White Mage LOOKS like.

Recruitment Discord mentioned in the video:

Timestamps are as follows:
0:00 – Intro
0:27 – Credentials
0:34 – Glossary
0:43 – White Mage Overview
1:04 – The D Word
1:58 – Healing Ecosystems Pt. 1
4:17 – Healing Ecosystems Pt. 2
6:10 – Minimizing “Waste”
6:42 – Mitigation, Mitigation, Mitigation
7:45 – Two Types of Healing Boosts
8:33 – Snapshotting Mit
9:54 – Tips Overview
10:03 – Damage Tips
10:52 – Healing Tips
12:08 – MP Tips
12:34 – Closing Encouragements

Extended eulogy for the old funny link.


19 thoughts on “Starting Savage as a Healer – Advanced White Mage Guide [Final Fantasy XIV]”

  1. Elusive self-pin, but someone pointed out I didn't go a lot into RAISING:

    1) White Mage, despite having Thin Air, is kind of low on the raising priority list because its GCD spam (Glare) has one of the highest potencies of any healer, meaning others lose less by sending out the rez. You can and should still rez, however, especially if your co-healer's mana is trending downward already. It's also just an unavoidable part of prog.

    2) Swiftcast, accordingly, CAN be saved for rezzing, but it's also a pretty important movement tool for WHM. I recommend holding it during prog in case you need to raise someone, then gradually finding areas of high-movement where you want to use it as your group cleans the fight up and dies less.

    2b) In case I'm in a group like PF or duty finder where there isn't voicechat, I also have this handy Swiftcast macro:
    /micon Swiftcast
    /p Swiftcast ready in <recast.Swiftcast> <se.2>

    Essentially, you press it and it reports your exact CD left on Swift, e.g., "Swiftcast ready in 0:13." It's a good way of letting people know you either can or can't rez, because I don't personally care for rez macros. The little audio blip at the end is just to grab attention and I don't spam it, but you can remove it if you'd prefer.

    Thank you all!!

  2. One thing i suggest for WHM players is that assize while being MP and damage, is sometimes very worth to hold for a few seconds for raid damage incoming. I will typically not hold mine more than perhaps 4 or 5 seconds at the most and only if i know raid damage is coming, otherwise i just use it on CD. Its a very powerful heal, and used well will let you keep spamming glare without needing to heal. This is especially powerful for openers when you want to use assize during raid buffs and cast as many glares as possible during raid buffs, but typically there is an opening raidwide you would have to heal, when you dont have any lilies generated yet. Asylum+assize will heal most dmg from any opening raid wide, and allow you to just keep casting glare.

    Also if your party isnt standing in your asylum, yell at them. Asylum has a pretty strong heal over time and that is preferred to having your healer cast another GCD heal because your party wouldnt stand in it.

    Great guide!

  3. Personally, as a WHM main, I want to say that this is a great video. I think your point on using Lilies as a movement tool is really understated and there are a couple of points that maybe you might want to reconsider. Firstly, timing a Blood Lily for a 2 minute buff window is a great point, but it's not as valuable as ensuring that you have 100% Uptime. Blood Lily's value is proportional to the amount of Glare casts as you had mentioned. However, the real calculus around it is actually Blood Lily / 4 Glares + Missed Glares = GCD Damage Value. 4 Glares + 0 Missed Glares is obviously the goal, but if you missed a single Glare leading up to your Blood Lily usage, the value of Blood Lily goes down. You're better off using any and all Lilies around movement and repositioning because you want to end a fight with near 100% Uptime. Let's say you do get 100% Uptime and you time your Blood Lily which results in a buffed crit Afflatus Misery, that is absolutely a damage gain but you have to ensure you have 100% Uptime which essentially means that 100% Uptime is significantly more important than timing.

    Secondly, overcapping Lilies is actually not problematic in the slightest. An overfed Blood Lily is a problem because again, it's actually Blood Lily / 4 Glares + 0 Missed Glares. An overfed Blood Lily is a missed Glare for every over feed you do. Let's say you do an entire fight without using a single Lily, but you had 100% Uptime and didn't have to cast any GCD heals. There was nothing lost or gained so there isn't actually really a downside to overcapping your Lilies. If Afflatus Misery had a damage gain, then yeah, you want to use your Lilies without overcapping, but since it's neutral, overcap all you want. It's fine.

    In regards to your Bell, use it whether you take damage or not. You can just trigger it at 5 Charges for a 1000 Potency AoE heal. While you do lose out on an additional 1000 Potency heal off of triggering each charge on hit, it's another passive healing tool that can be used to cover for Medica II so that you don't have to use a GCD heal and it's MP free. You can do Rapture -> Bell -> Rapture -> Bell Trigger as a setup to do basically a raid wide Full Heal while moving for 0 MP.

    A side note: WHM and SGE are the only 2 of the 4 healers that have movement tools that doesn't result in a damage loss when their entire kit is available to them. WHM is also the only healer that has a DoT that does damage on hit. Eukrasian Dosis, Bio and Combust only applies a DoT. Aero/Dia actually does damage on hit AND additionally applies a DoT. So at lower levels, if you have to move and don't have the time to slide cast Glare/Stone, casting Aero/Dia to be able to move is a viable option only if Afflatus Misery is not available at that level.

  4. Still leveling sprout and probably not going to white mage as sage feels more my thing for healing.. but this info was still useful for mechanics for another class! And that "character schooling you"-video style is absolutely adorable!

  5. benediction is also for ensuring your tanks have a healthy fear of god (you) at all times by healing them from 10% RIGHT before they’re about to die from the next auto

  6. Great guide as always ! I've always wanted to try savage but i'm afraid lol and because of my school schedule but watching this is very helpful since i'ce recently caught up with the latest msq <333

  7. WHM main here, thank you for the guide <3 it disheartens me to hear people put down WHM for its simplicity. I enjoy how it feels to play which is important for me – hard to explain. I hope more players are encouraged to try it out. The next step would be to try and understand your co-healer! better synergy if you understand your shield healers tools & mits as well.


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