Sprouts during the Mustadio Sniper Mechanic in FFXIV


29 thoughts on “Sprouts during the Mustadio Sniper Mechanic in FFXIV”

  1. If in doubt, check debuff descriptions is the rule I've come to abide by in new content.

    In this case it specifically states that the open side of the circle is the part you want facing the boss.

  2. I can't think of a attack in FFXIV that does a WORSE job of telegraphing what you're supposed to do than this, so I don't blame the sprouts at all. Everything about that cutscene and what the game is telling you is "block the attack with the solid part" but that's ass backwards. Not the best design.

  3. the problem is the animation of the mechanic. If instead to the gab there was a small wall that had to be pointed at the boss and thenfirst shot where precome by a flare a lot less sprouts would die to it. Its just so conter intuitive to point the circle around you that seems like a protection away from the boss.

  4. For players complaining the game didn’t do a good job telegraphing what to do, that’s the point it was a bait and you fell for it. Consider that one point like a snipers blind spot.

  5. This is practically on-point. Haha! Luckily, I dodge this one during the raid. And yes, this mechanic did also appear in some Boss encounter/Critical Engagement in Bozja Southern Front content (I think it was in Dalriada and Zadnor). In any case, sprouts will definitely be confused at first, but that is the beauty (or dread) of this mechanic. Hehe

  6. Yeah, the mechanic is not intuitive but even with This, Orbonne is still my favorite raid ever, maybe because I'm a huge fan of FF Tactics, especially War of the Lion (the remake of the First FF Tactics) and this raid is just a love letter to this game but I love it, heavy on mechanics, take place in Ivalice (my Favorite Universe in FF, so I enjoyed Bozja for this and i'm sad Yasumi Matsuno leaved the dev of FFXIV after Bozja)

  7. Not gonna lie, this mechanic among others and bosses being too cluttered despite having tells was like… it killed Ivalice outright to me. Think about it from a logical perspective, not even a big logical one just one where you use gaming knowledge to figure it out. When you are confronted with a sniper and you have what looks like a barrier around you with a hole in it, what is the first thing you are going to do?

    It's make sure to defend against it, to make sure they don't get your weak point. This mechanic is just… mean. It's designed to wipe people following their instincts. And I really don't appreciate mechanics like that. Being punished for following what is VISUALLY represented but MECHANICALLY the opposite is just a dick move.


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