In this reaction video, I react to Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood Trailer. If you like it, please give it a like!
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The trailer was targeted more to the people who were to that point in the story, you will get there in the story and then the trailer will make a lot more sense. Stormblood is kind of the chill expansion for XIV, a lot does happen in it, but it really doesn't pick up till the end making the story's way to Shadowbringers.
That was indeed the warrior of light. It may seem jarring for a new player since you're basically going to get the full story in the span of only a few months, but the expansions are every two years so the WoL ages, matures and becomes more battleworn in the cinematics as they go on. It's actually a nice touch to have him age along with the players.
The trailers are not 1 for 1 of what the player experiences ingame but its very close, the poster boy Warrior of Light is also called Meteor and is used as a stand-in to represent the player
watching the expasion trailers as you start them will be better, since youll have context of characters and direction
For the record. Yes it’s the same game and the trailer is for Final Fantasy 14’s second expansion.
New camera looking fantastic! Great upgrade on your setup 😀
You'll go there eventually. The trailers don't showcase all of the characters. This was an introduction/teaser trailer to the stormblood expansion. Enjoy 14 and take it at your own pace so that you don't burn out. Both the monk (pugilist job) and the samurai are the "default male hyur" warrior of light because we can job change on the fly. that's about all I can really say.
Have you unlocked the Gold Saucer yet? If you want the FF15 car, you will need 200,000 MGP's. Time to go to the casino!!!
Yes, this is FF XIV expansion 2.
"I don't know who these people are." Well that's what you get when you watch the trailer before you get to that point in the story! 😆 And yes both that Monk and Samurai were the Warrior of Light.
The good thing about this Trailer is that it is impossible to decipher to a new player.
Don't worry, i'm just as lost as you are…i'm not even finish Heavensward story yet.
Yeah, that is why you should wait until you finish A Realm Reborn first before watching any of the trailers, either they won't make sense, or there will be a lot of spoilers. Everything you saw in this trailer and the people and places in it will make sense once you reach Heavensward and the start of Stormblood, but since you're still in ARR, most of this won't make sense. It's like if you watched just the first quarter of Fellowship of the Ring, didn't watch the full movie, skipped Two Towers and just watched a trailer for Return of the King. XD
Yes, the Monk and Samurai are the same person and supposedly your character. Actually you know one person but might not have interacted with that character much in the game. Big reveal will come up to you at some point ^^
I might recommend commenting after watching the video because when you stop to say just a word or two it seems to make the video to take a while to sync the view with the sound ^^; But hopefully after Heavensward you will enjoy Stormblood. ^^
I would say keep playing the game and don't watch the trailers. You won't get the full idea watch going on.
It’s the same game the trailer was made to limit spoilers and also it was made with the people who were at the end of heavensword, right where Stormblood begins so you not knowing anything is okay because you will get there eventually I say just focus on getting to Heavensword, and once you finish Heavensword relook at this trailer then I think you would understand it more then. Also the WoL is always a Male Hume no matter the job he is using. So both the monk and samurai are the same WoL. Can’t tell you about the others because of spoilers. So yeah just sit back and enjoy the ride. Take care and stay safe my friend.
That is the Warrior of Light. He just had a change in cosmetic appearance but it is him. He does wear the appropriate armor for whatever discipline he learned and does change his hair sometimes. You can always tell it’s him by the scar on his cheek. It’s always there in every trailer.
Fun fact all jobs are playable on one character
no the Monk and the Samurai are the Warrior of Light, he is just older and slightly more scarred in the face. He never stays the same, he changes jobs and ages as the trailers evolve.
Hey Sir, great job on your videos. Might have said it somewhere, but what times are you on play FF 14?
Yeah they spoiled WAY too much in the heavensward trailer and they went hard in the no spoilers direction for stormblood.
While this is not my favorite trailer, I'm still so fond of this because of nostalgia. I was there live at the FanFestival in 2017 when this full trailer was shown for the very first time. I still remember the people screaming at the world map expanding for the first time or the reveal of the Samurai. And yes, both were the Warrior of Light and at his SAM hair, everyone just went "Welp, WoL went emo!" xD
But now since you've seen everything (except Heavensward, which you should only watched after you finished the 2.5 story = end of ARR), if you go back to rewatch the Shadowbringers trailer, you'll recognize a lot 😀
Actually not really, if you watch any trailer after ARR before you finish it, they are spoilers for ARRs ending
Gamer chair! 👀✨✨
Yea, as others have said, your missing a lot to understand what's going on. This was aimed more at the player base rather then the general public audience. Both the guys are the Warrior of Light, just as MNK and SAM. The two at the end I won't talk about, just know you meet them later. The woman in the red dress is the same, you will know more about her later.
The rest of the cast are not in this one. Stormblood changes in tone to the expansions that surround it. The pacing is a little slower. It's not ARR slow, but it is different, but no less impactful. Often stories will have slower chapters because of the more hard hitting content that are around it. You'll understand more when you get there.
My friend, this game will bring you to a lot of places and make you meet a lot of people, you'll know at the right time, enjoy the journey!
Both the monk and samurai were the WoL. It was showcasing those jobs. You'll recall the WoL job changed through them in his fight in the Shadowbringers trailer.
The woman in red is someone you know, you just don't know that you know them yet lol. The other two you have yet to meet.
I don't get it when people watch the trailers out of order.
Ah yeah… Stormblood isn't my personal favorite of the expansions. They were exploring new regions. Both people are the WoL. There are some good things in it though.
Thats why it's not a good idea to watch a expansion trailer until you get to that expansion.
Please do NOT watch shadowbringers trailer before you get there.