This fight was fun! I only died 3 times :p 1 was because I accidentally teleported right into the boss xD I was so scared that I was going to get booted.. But forgot I'm not playing WoW o.o They just laughed and said that's ok. I felt something.. My heart warmed and I said "I'm home" Such a better community. :')
Lol. Love your facial expressions! That was an amazing fight!
Just a suggestion, but maybe keep the thumbnail and title spoiler free for now? Like how MrHappy is currently doing it?
Glad you enjoyed the fight SJ! I hope to do some of this on Extreme with you and experience your brain melting just like mine did HAHAHAH
Unsub, spoiler thumbnail
This was good fun to watch on stream. Great fight
Umm the thumbnail & title spoiler?????
I made it to YouTube! 😁
This fight was fun! I only died 3 times :p 1 was because I accidentally teleported right into the boss xD I was so scared that I was going to get booted.. But forgot I'm not playing WoW o.o They just laughed and said that's ok. I felt something.. My heart warmed and I said "I'm home" Such a better community. :')
This trial was so fun to learn. I only cried 5 times
every trial and dungeon this patch was pretty intense, i love it.
Loved this fight soooooo much! Extreme is pretty fun too