Patch 6.28 Job Changes. If the goal of these additional job change notes is to elaborate — they need to consider avoiding omission of details even if it feels redundant. With the abundance of information, it is not uncommon for a player to miss details from a previous patch or to assume context.
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SE is very sus
My Kaiten T_T…. wait that was a few patches ago… MY KAITEN DXX<< !!!!!!!!
In the german version it was specified aswell.. it's just like the ingame lore… german is more or less the same as jp and the english translation goes places no one should enter
Agree. Patchnotes should not be vague.
The English team are very interested in their own language and their thoughts about how things should be, not necessarily what the JP team wants
I noticed at the start of Endwalker, that every boss's hitbox is like 40% larger than it needs to be. Eric in P1's hitbox is so big that you can have the entire party under him and not be overlapping anyone's models.
as i mentioned to him in stream, it's even worse than that; the patch notes in english originally did say the exact explanation the night before 6.28 released! they actively changed it to hide what was being said after the fact, i imagine because they assume NA to be filled with the kind of people who need strats called Braindead for a reason
Wow thanks so much for this. That clarifies a lot and I'm not exactly a target for this information to be important but I really appreciate you looking to see the Japenese version of the text and translating it better to the western audience than Square did themselves. 🙂
Joonbob, did you do this video just to flex your japanese reading and comprehension skill over us plebs?
(Thank you for this, its actually very insightful)
They've said this in the live letter and at least another source about this tier having giant melee circles though.
it’d be ok to be vague in the live letter, but in the patch notes? along with job changes, bug fixes, etc? especially considering how they hid information in the EN patch notes compared to the JP patch notes.
They did bring this up in the Live Letter before this patch … wondering why they didn't say that in the patch notes.
They probably didn't reiterate it because it was already specified in the 6.21 changes section. Doesn't seem like that big of a deal, and judging from the comments it seems this is just a not-so subtle sub vs dub type gripe.
Dear square you are fitting translations on a limited space of a snes cart. You can put more text in no need to do poor translations anymore.
So… who ever translated did a really bad job which is why theres so much copy and paste I'm assuming
It really stands out when they decide to be vague about something and open it to interpretation, when the other languages actually specify what exactly they mean by that. Also, I don't know about this decision in general. If they decide to make melee DPS a better phys ranged basically because the boss bitboxes are absurd, what's the point of having ranged DPS in the first place? Optimization for uptime used to be a cool thing, but what's the skill expression now? Maybe I'm approaching it from the wrong mindset, but I think the decision to make all the hitboxes gargantuan is bad.