So Quin69 tried FFXIV and reviewed the game…

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Since people have been asking about my opinion on this. This is tongue in cheek. I like Quin, I just don’t agree that you can say you’ve actually given something a fair shot when you’re being disingenuous. That being said, not all games are for everybody and thats completely fine!

Hope yall enjoyed the video.

Music used in the video: Monkeys Spinning Monkeys (Kevin MacLeod)

Clips sourced from and from video compilation seen on
If you have any issues with my use of your material hit me with a DM and I can take it down.


30 thoughts on “So Quin69 tried FFXIV and reviewed the game…”

  1. Imagine posting a video telling people how bad or even good something is and saying "I dont understand X" and passing it off as fact. FF14 is great when you get to higher levels and get into more content. I played FF14 for like a month in the last 2 or 3 years each and went back to WoW. I was hooked on WoW because I've been a Blizzard fan for 25 years, yes that is right, its not inflated. I finally got fed up with WoW and pretty much Blizzard as a whole and its difficult. So I gave FF14 a legit try and kept playing and progressing and it has got me completely hooked.

  2. Buying the job/level boosting potion in an mmo is the equivilent of buying a new game and immediately using cheats stored in your gameshark, thus completely diminishing the experience by doing so. Of course he didn't find the game enjoyable because he had everything basically spoon-fed to him instead of putting in the time and fully immersing himself into the experience of this mmo. If I did the same thing for any other game, I'd enjoy it for all of maybe 10 minutes, speaking from experience.

  3. So who is this person he seems like a person who's never touched the game before like I'm new to ff14 my dame self but he was fucking up in stuff that would be basic understand for those players at that lvl ?

  4. Quin is what everyone thought Asmon would be.

    Poor dipshit didn't take time to play the story, spent MORE money than he had to to skip very relevant content, was unable to read the tool tips for his job (and granted, he chose one of the more complex melees in the game when it comes to overall optimization of a dps), STOOD IN SEVERAL FUCKING AOES, did not understand that aoe placement in Savage means instant death (so no; you cannot blame your healers, as these mechanics are designed often in savage difficulty to outright kill or severely maim if done incorrectly), then claimed he "took time to give the game a chance but it sucked".

    This guy is the pure fucking definition of why people do not like the WoW community.

  5. See I don’t hate it when people don’t like the game or call it trash. You dont like it? Okay, maybe it’s not your thing. What makes my blood boil however, is when you have the AUDACITY to call a story trash when you skip everything and skip it for the reason of “I don’t want to read”. Like legit he said that he didn’t like the story because he has to read text. Also, if you skip to end game content and instantly die since you get oneshot because you don’t know the mechanics, dont blame other people or the game for your unwillingness to learn. It’s like complaining the characters in a book didn’t get any story development while only reading the last 2 pages. IF you want to have an opinion so desperately, at LEAST have the decency to know what the heck you’re talking about.


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