Being a Clicker in FFXIV

Hey! I get a bunch of comments each stream about being a clicker and raiding or healing in FFXIV and it gets a little tiring to answer, so I thought it would be nice to have a video up that I can quickly refer them to (∩´∀`)∩
It’s all in good fun. I understand people might disagree and argue that keybinding is objectively better. If you are comfortable clicking/keybinding/playing on a controller that’s all that matters.

Shout out to my viewers who taught me how to pronounce “simultaneously”.

My name is Nana and I’m a FFXIV relapsed addi- uh, returning player. Currently trying to catch up and clear all of Eden Savage on min ilvl. come join me!:
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Cute emotes in thumbnail and video – KimilyBerry –
Emote animations – BesterGester –


46 thoughts on “Being a Clicker in FFXIV”

  1. I am also mostly a clicker. I use like the 1-4 keys if needed at most, usually for mouseover healing skills. I also raid in savage and ultimate, and never thought anything was wrong until keybind people were like "omg how do you not clip your gcds etc". I thought clicking was a normal way to play x.x

  2. how do you pay attentinon to the fight when you constantly have to look at your hotbar and aim your mouse correctly? even tho i struggle to reach further than the 4 button (5 is a big hurtful spread and i physically can not reach 6 while holding a movment button) and using shift or control is really uncomfortable to the point it hurts, i still cant imagine managing clicking while fighting and all. im new fo ff14, i come from guild wars 2 where you only have 10-12 buttons on every class, so i never had a problem binding them comfortably. but now in ff14 im really struggeling with small hands and 30+ buttons on every class 🙁 maybe im not built for this game lol.

  3. Clicking is fine if you know what your doing and can manage it. I don’t get the hate for it. To each their own when it comes to how you play.
    Plus it’s a game, it’s not like every player makes the game their life and has the need to feel perfect at it. Most people just want to play to enjoy the game.

  4. it totally just depends on what job you play, something like a white mage you have very little ogcds and therefore no need to constantly click fast, it just means you're not able to choose players in your party list to heal until you're doing clicking the abilities, can cause clipping on the gcd etc. If you play something like scholar or astro your damage overall will suffer a LOT without keybinds. If you focus solely on not clipping, you'll then probably start panicking about mechanics due to the fact you're going a hundred miles an hour on your mouse to try not to clip.

  5. I played SCH during Heavensward. Back then, I had a macro that, when pressed, would turn Cleric Stance on and replace my first hotbar (which is full of healing skills) with my 4th hotbar (which is full of dps skills). Then the 4th hotbar would have a button (at the same position as the CS macro) that would turn CS off and switch back to the first hotbar. With SB and ShB there was no need to do that anymore. What I'm trying to say is, healers are too easy and you can play a healer by clicking skills currently, although I would recommend having buttons for at least your dps skills. The rest you only use once in a blue moon anyway.

  6. I'm a dude with small-ish hands, I can't reach 5 without stretching my index finger and lifting my hand a bit, and yet I have over 30 keybinds in such a way that I barely have to move it; and no, I don't have a gaming mouse. Not to mention, I never fell off the arena because I was walking the other direction :/
    Back in the olden WoW days I used to click buffs and I can safely say, you will be way more efficient and pretty much remove any delay or mishaps (I should probably move Superbolide).

  7. never met someone with smaller hands than me and i also just use few keybinds on my keyboard because otherwise id have to stretch my hands way too much. so lucky my mouse got a lot buttons lol

  8. yup i do 1 2 3 4 rest is clicks 2 button on mouse and it hurts my hand to use ctrl and alt, but it s ok i can play perfectly fine… if only my character could stop running toward the boss while i m trying to dps and move at the same time

  9. I am right there with you, the only things I do not click are true north, sprint, and arms length because those are actions that I need to quickly activate. I click everything else and have cleared all 3 ultimate's as well as parsed all orange's for the previous tier. Just get good at whatever playstyle you enjoy.


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