Krimson KB Reacts: Reaper Overview | FFXIV Endwalker Media Tour – Larryzaur

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7 thoughts on “Krimson KB Reacts: Reaper Overview | FFXIV Endwalker Media Tour – Larryzaur”

  1. Oof I think your viewers are too young to know what is a soul reaver LOL All kidding aside, Square Enix is sitting on a gold mine on the remake. We need to bring back vampire stuff.

  2. With how many jobs are getting heal like abilities tanks included. Even with stat squish. Stuff is either gonna hit faster or harder. EndWalkers is gonna be interesting…

  3. "Given the choice: whether to rule a corrupt and failing Empire, or to challenge the Fates for another throw, a better throw, against one's destiny, what was a king to do?"


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