So I Just Completed THE WARRING TRIAD in FFXIV (My Thoughts)

So I just completed THE WARRING TRIAD in FFXIV, and I have some thoughts to share with you.

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Final Fantasy XIV is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) developed and published by Square Enix. Directed and produced by Naoki Yoshida, it was released worldwide for Microsoft Windows and PlayStation 3 in August 2013, as a replacement for the failed 2010 version of the game, with support for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and macOS releasing later. Final Fantasy XIV takes place in the fictional land of Eorzea, five years after the events of the original 2010 release. At the conclusion of the original game, the primal dragon Bahamut escapes from its lunar prison to initiate the Seventh Umbral Calamity, an apocalyptic event which destroys much of Eorzea. Through the gods’ blessing, the player character escapes the devastation by time traveling five years into the future. As Eorzea recovers and rebuilds, the player must deal with the impending threat of invasion by the Garlean Empire from the north.



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More about Final Fantasy XIV:

“Final Fantasy XIV is an MMORPG and features a persistent world in which players can interact with each other and the environment. Players create and customize their characters for use in the game, including name, race, gender, facial features, and starting class. Unlike in the original release, players may only choose to be a Disciple of War or Magic as a starting class—Disciples of the Hand and Land are initially unavailable. Players must also select a game server for characters to exist on. While servers are not explicitly delineated by language, data centers have been placed in the supported regions (i.e., North America, Europe, Japan) to improve the communication latency between the server and the client computer and players are recommended to choose a server in their region. Regardless of server or language, the game features a large library of automatically translated game terms and general phrases which allow players who speak different languages to communicate.”


19 thoughts on “So I Just Completed THE WARRING TRIAD in FFXIV (My Thoughts)”

  1. So the Legatus Regula van Hydrus didn’t do much for Kro as a supporting character? I suppose it’s less significant after already being exposed to Garlean characters like Maxima, but Garlean officers with a sense of honor was a relatively novel aspect when the Warrinf Triad first came out. Plus for Final Fantasy 6 fans he was also likely meant to be a recognizable homage to the character General Leo (from FF6). Also it was the first time learning about the Allagans and Meracydians since Coils IIRC.

    Anyways the reason why “star” was used and not shard, is because star is the old timey way of saying both another “world” in the general sense, and “another world” can be used to mean both another planet in outer space and an alternate world/reality. So context explains the rest, hence why shard isn’t used.

  2. Remember that back in 3.x we didn't exactly had the concept of the shards solidified yet. Calling it another star was a way to allude to the 13th while not revealing more than the devs wanted to reveal in advance. IIRC, our first real learning about the shards was with the Warriors of Darkness storyline, which was… 3.4? Ie, the same patch we got Sophia. So at the start he called it a star and expanded the explanation after we proved our power to him.

    Also, he got properly called by everyone in the room for not telling us directly what he wanted. Yshtola have lots of reasons to distrust people who talk around the issues they want to tackle. Mostly so after ShB.

  3. Yeah, doing this long after you finish ShB and getting into EW, you lose a lot of the impact that the story was supposed to hammer home. That being said, there is an epilogue to this story that you can unlock after you complete all the role quests in ShB.

  4. You're at a slight disadvantage playing stuff like this out of order. Back then, they hadn't quite figured out how it was all going to relate. That said, you're not wrong and they might go change the dialogue some day. They do do things like that from time to time.

    FYI, if you want the devs to watch your videos, make sure they can get Japanese subtitles. I don't know how that works(I thought that was on the users' end…), but they mentioned it in a live letter last year.

  5. So, there's more to Unukalhai's story if you are interested. MUCH MORE.
    Finish the 4 Shadowbringers Role Quests (1 Tank, 1 Healer, 1 Physical DPS, 1 Magic DPS), and you will unlock the Void Quest Chain.
    It's a series of 5 Quests that drop huge lore bombs & expand on the Void. It's very interesting stuff, and will make Endwalker even better.
    A lot of people will miss it though because they have the plain yellow sidequest icons on them, instead of being a Blue Quest.

  6. I doubt I'm alone, but I never saw the Warring Triad fights as nothing more than fan service. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the fights, which definitely got ramped up for the extremes, but ultimately, this just a FFVI reference. As Azys Lla resembles the floating continent from FFVI, it was only fitting for the Warring Traid, also from FFVI, to be position in the center. The fact that were originally only presented as statues until patch content for Heavensward came out, only added to the nostalgia and fan service.

  7. It was boring for you, but not to me. It is an amazing lore adventure. Learning about Ancient meracydian primals captured by allagans an empire of amazing technological advancement, Garleans with morals trying to find if this ancient technology can be used, and at the very end deciding that it is not that good for their purpose. And all this with a mysterious companion that is eager to kill all primals thralls who at the very end reveal that he is a warrior of light from the 13th shard the void, disciple of an ascian. And he tells us about what happened for the 13th to fall to darkness. Idk, was pretty good trials series to me, not a lot of personal characters moments but a lot of Lore.

  8. I am not so sure they were 100% down with the sundering specifics when they wrote this story, so I never really noticed the "another star" words.
    I also really recommend the continuation quests which open up after you finish all ShB role quest, that is the juicy stuff 😁

  9. 5:42 — Ever occured to you that they misslead intentionally?

    Also, no, the 13th method of "storing" primals didnt fail, it worked as intended – whom do you think they got the method from in the first place? They didnt know the consequences since noone before had tried it.

    7:18 — Needless to say, I dont agree. Doesnt matter if you know Shadowbringers or no. This is the first time we actually consinder working with the enemy, this is the first time the Garleans are depicted as people. You expect that everything is on the same level as HW story, ShB story, DRK story… no, its not. There are ups and downs in quality, always, Ishikawa cant do everything. The only thing you can always count on it that, storywise, no, this game doesnt waste your time nor your attention. Its on you to make the best of it – or not.

  10. 6:49 I remember some ascian telling that they would focus on restoring the void later, once they managed to rejoin the others.

    The whole Shadowbringers raid quest (Eden) is about restoring the First so it's not impossible that they would find a way to restore the 13th too.


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