So I got Invited to the Dawntrail Media Tour…

I’m thrilled to have been invited to Final Fantasy XIV’s Dawntrail Media Tour, where I got to play an early preview of the upcoming expansion! These are my adventures as I explored the build looking for achievements, hunt marks, dungeons, and more! I tried out the new jobs, Viper and Pictomancer, and also played with all of the new job changes. It was a ton of fun, but mostly a giant meme. I look forward to playing it soon! More videos to come!



47 thoughts on “So I got Invited to the Dawntrail Media Tour…”

  1. Once again Cider Spider releases a video teaching me things that others didn't, except this time it's unreleased stuff. Nobody even mentioned that the new tomestones are called Aesthetic or even tried to fight a hunt mob lmao

  2. honestly, so far, my favorite Media tour video, as you actually looked around, most video are people showing rotations, ability changes, and maybe the dungeon. You actually looked and fought random mobs… first look at the bird fish and that weird Croc.

  3. So now that we finally have the Mamool Ja and the Yok Huy use the FFXI troll design, how long do you think it'll take them to add orcs and meebles? Pretty sure that they're the only beastmen from FFXI without an FFXIV counterpart at this point. Gnath are basically Antica, Quadavs are replaced by Kojin, Yagudo are replaced by Tengu, Velkk are replaced by Vanu Vanu (though it could also be argued that the Seeq replace the Velkk because the Velkk are lizards and the Vanu Vanu are birds. Even though the Seeq come from the Ivalice games) and all the rest are just straight up copypasted.

  4. waitaminute.

    You fanta'd without having to unequip your gear. What is that sorcery? Is that just an unannounced change or is that because the gear you were wearing was "fake"

  5. I appreciate that you went in and just played the game. Refreshing after just hearing all about the new job skills which I frankly don't care about all that much. Certainly not as much as TWENTY PLUS BICOLOR GEMSTONES are you kidding? Now THAT'S a game changer.

  6. I got into a few WoW betas in my time and this is precisely the kind of shit I got up to; running around the maps, finding stuff, and generally being a goofball. Taking it seriously? Nah. 😂

  7. I've been watching the job adjustment info pages but it was amusing and refreshing to just see some silly sight seeing too. I'm dummy excited for how PRETTY it's all gonna be!

  8. If you're at all concerned – the "look I'm just going to explore the new stuff" videos are actually kinda rare – this was a joy to watch

    Very little of the youtube stuff over the last week was someone just going "what's actually out here to mess with" no knock against rotation theorycraft, but I enjoyed the change of focus


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