SHOWDOWN WITH NIDHOGG (BLIND!) – This Cutscene is INSANE! – FFXIV Heavensward 3.3 Ending Reaction


So… THAT’S what a “stack marker” looks like? Wrapping up Heavensward 3.3 with 2 incredible cutscenes and the final trial versus Nidhogg!

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18 thoughts on “SHOWDOWN WITH NIDHOGG (BLIND!) – This Cutscene is INSANE! – FFXIV Heavensward 3.3 Ending Reaction”

  1. I'm so ASHAMED of not knowing what a "stack marker" was, and thus getting my ass kicked, that I hereby vow to slay Hoggy again in the Minstrel's Ballad in the coming days

  2. One of the highpoints in the game for me. The whole fight is masterful, from the cutscenes, to the music, from the instanced queue area where you stare Nidhogg down on the bridge to the fight mechanics and design.

  3. I didn't think I'd end up watching one of the lovely wow folks coming over… but to see your reactions going through these moments you upload, to see someone experiencing the magic and story as we all once did… I don't regret clicking on your Leviathan vid or continuing to click after one bit. I'm glad you're having such fun Cobrak and I can't wait to see how you both react to what's still to come in Stormblood, Shadowbringers and the remainder of Heavensward. <3

  4. Such an amazing patch that was. The built up, the fight, then the conclusion. It was all memorable. Once you've gone thru this point, there's no turning back. You're basically hooked to the game.

  5. This was such an epic moment in the game. I switched to DRG for this fight; and slow walk and stare down with Nidhogg will always be one of my favorite moments in video games.

  6. Running away with the stack marker is a sprout rite of passage! Especially during Akh Morn, that shit is traumatizing. I get PTSD when I need to heal encounters with it (yes, you'll encounter it again in the future).

  7. Awesome reaction, love the fight! The name of the song is "Dragonsong" btw! Absolutely beautiful song. I was hoping u were gonna react to the song with lyrics at the end of the video not gonna lie xD


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