Painting some perspective about the brand new FFXIV VC coming out!
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#warofthevisions #wotv #ffbewotv
I'm not pulling on ANYTHING until ff6 com—- OH SHINY! lets pull!!
If your luck is anything like mine, its easy, NEVER PULL UNLESS YOU HAVE ENOUGH TO PITY. I haven't pulled a banner unit for the past 5 banners. 25k for dress glaciela, got xixa and machire. Full 9 steps for summer kilphe, china dress Moore and Halloween lela….nothing but the same URS I've had 120 for damn near a year now. Shits garbage.
Good combo Europa Ramuh
WHY would anyone ask about pulling Thancred??? There are literally 3 ways to get him free! Logon day 7, Tomestone of Goetia shop, get lucky with the tons of FFXIV tickets we get!
Dark all the way! Gonna save for P5R Joker and his vc then save for Detective Leela
I just started the game last week i reroll for ranan and took charlotte so i need to pull for europa. I guess i can look at other elements after since i dont own any light units
I'm heavily invested in light right now but I can see myself investing heavily into water with Celes and Astoria coming in the future. The GL exclusive is whats making me clutch my vis tight right now. If the new GL is water would completely drop light.
Amazing video, ty for the info.
You should probably be more concious of naming (or nicknaming) these VCs as there are now 3 "Scions" cards. Scion of House Beoulve, Scion of Shadows, and Scion of Twilight.
Skippidy skip skip, new reruns for all FF is more worth it for me, TIFAAAA waifu finally getting her maxed.
Hoping these FF14 summon tickets will include these VC'S. Maybe luck out that way, but I gotta save for muh girl Celes.
I loved the 5 seconds reference to Thancred at the end, the time spent is also probably representative of his usefulness.
Holy fuck that thancred card is gonna make Elena disgusting
Do you think white dragon maxed is a good enough alt to scions of shadow???
I will pull for both FF14 light vision cards if they have 10k guaranteed banners, I'll pull europa eventually since it isn't limited, then all my vis goes to ff6 and persona 5.
I thought you'd compare the vcs with their non-limited equivalent vc. The new vc that gives ATK% Vs Robb's VC which also gives ATK% for the party.
Isnt exorcist just as good if not better than the new ff14 light slash pierce vc?
Love me 💕💕💕 i have elana 120. But i cant pull for a year. 🤣🤣🤣 Sephiroth will be Light. I know it.
Gotta save that vis!
How to slow build the new light vc? I thought all limited VC won't have hard quest.
The rerun for every ff characters and vc is making me skip this plus chaos Odin and a new little leela train by BRH got me curious
Shadowbringer is the only one that don’t have a step up 😂 we expect a whole vid of you doing the step up for the other two Diggs
My child will enjoy Yuna's 2nd MA :))
How do you slow build a limited VC?