Should WoW Keep You Playing?

Asmongold discusses if World of Warcraft and other MMO’s like Lost Ark, New World and FFXIV (Final Fantasy 14) should keep YOU playing. Does Blizzard really have to drop shady retention mechanics on you?

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Channel Editors: CatDany & Daily Dose of Asmongold

► 🎸 Outro song: CatDany – Get Enough

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50 thoughts on “Should WoW Keep You Playing?”

  1. I'd be kinda cool if they changed the Valentine's day event thing to a dungeon wide event instead of that one fight with puzzles and Torghast style traps and when you finish it you have like a 30-50% chance at the mount at the end.
    It's not guaranteed and it would make it relatively fun and unique to do

  2. I'd be kinda cool if they changed the Valentine's day event thing to a dungeon wide event instead of that one fight with puzzles and Torghast style traps and when you finish it you have like a 30-50% chance at the mount at the end.
    It's not guaranteed and it would make it relatively fun and unique to do

  3. Why would anyone play a game for 10 years thst they hated? Can't imagine anyone doing that unless they were somehow motivated to do so. And how can anyone play the "wrong game?" Is there such a thing? Wow ff sims whatever…long as u like playing thats pretty much the start and end of it right there…is it not?

  4. FF14 has been nice, because I can log on once or twice a week to get my times and raid log, and go play Lost Ark or whatever the rest of the week.

    In WoW, I historically would play it exclusively. If something else came out that I wanted to play, I had to choose between keeping up on wow, or giving up to go play the other stuff, and come back next expansion. And this has just gotten worse over the last decade.

  5. you want to make the most out of your spent money. if your game is sub to play, players will want to play as much as possible. meanwhile yoshi want players to play less but players play more, free to play games want players to play more but players play less

  6. Asmon at the VERY least should actually PLAY the game and not go on copium gameplay which is run around in circles with a mount.

    At least… show that you actually care you know, if it is for the sake of entertainment then even better.
    Wanna see some slashin' some pvp, hell he alone can create and manage infinite ways of content within the game like a world search, or "Raise reputation with asmongold" by farming gorilla hair and each stacks will yearn 200 rep points to said person who can be later on appear in videos.

    Idk man, but copium gameplay ain't that desirable and tells a lot.

  7. Anyone who's spent the last 8 years playing wow or final fantasy can't say they spent the last 8 years playing the wrong game tho lol. Both games are good.

  8. I was in a guild that would waste hours of everyone's time getting world buffs, and then going through pre-raid checklists, and proceed to wipe within five minutes of zoning in. Every. Single. Week. Fucking obnoxious.

  9. Games should never be a second job. With as many games trying so hard to keep you playing now, there'll be regulations here soon too. (Much like regulations for gambling mechanics/monetization soon.) It is inevitable because the industry won't regulate itself.

  10. Chat is so weird. When Asmon called out the malding FF players, i was looking at chat and there were way more people saying "FF is boring" and talking shit on FF. It's whatever, but then the chat goes on to say that FF players were being cringe in chat and they were malding. For the next couple of minutes chat goes on to say FF players are weird and cringe. Like where were those players? Even looking at chat I didn't really see more than 1 FF player being cringe. This happens a lot. One guy says "FF players malding" even when there was nobody malding at all, then that sparks the whole chat to shit on FF players. Like the hypocrisy is insane. They are going like "FF players are so weird, just let people play what they want" while shitting on FF player that said nothing in chat. lol wtf

  11. I think a project lead shouldn't just be a good developer. They should be a good business person. In fact, forget being a good developer or even a good designer. Even just a good business person goes a long way.

  12. I think it wasn’t as bad in wotlk when it was essentially “Normal or heroic” but then it got worse with mythic so it became “a -> A -> A+” then they used it as an excuse to cut down on actual new content cuz why do all the work of making 9 raids anymore when you can just make 3 raids with 9 tiers of progression across them all?

  13. Funny that this video comes out right as Asmongold is in the middle of playing Lost Ark the game that will require you to farm everyday on 5 alts for the next year if you want to even get close to fully geared.

  14. The community will always be the issue if there is a way to gain a small or average advantage over a PvE activity.
    The fact that guilds and organized pugs would always demand you have the dire maul and world buffs for their raids which were completed by a bunch of 60s and sub 60s in greens is fucking ridiculous, it made me feel utterly bored with classic Vanilla. It's just extra effort and gold wasting for shit that can be easily done without it.

  15. i found this and thought it was pretty funny and random WoW Refugee Fund PSA – Please Call Today! but in all seriousness glad both games are doing better even Lost Ark game seems fun to play but to watch i dont know why after awhile its hard to keep watching maybe its the camera angle i'm not sure..

  16. No. The game was limited by technology when it came out.
    After billions of dollars and tons of technology advancements, the game is still 90% the same as when it came out in terms of engine and combat mechanics.

    Cash grab. The bummer is that there is such huge potential. Esp with the money blizz has now. But oh well.

  17. I think there are some contracticting points from Asmongold.
    On one hand, he criticized dailies.
    On another hand, he criticizes systems that make you eant to play 16h per day to remain competitive.
    So which is it?
    I believe the problem is not in individual sysgems, but how they add up together to form those 16h.

  18. let's get 1 thing straight…. the love rocket doesn't have to do with effort giving rewards, it's basically just playing the lottery. some peeps do it once and win big, others play it every week and never win any significant amount.
    i have a friend who got the mount while just doing the event for the first time. they didn't even know the mount could drop or that there was one.
    turning it into an "effort" thing, kinda doesn't work, they didn't put in any effort for the mount AT ALL yet they has one. obvi she's proud of it now that she knows how rare it is. but random droprates have shit all to do with effort and everything with luck. you could have the luck of the gods and get every low %dropchance mount within 10tries. or you might have to run the content a thousand times for it to drop….
    achievement mount like gladiator mounts, those are a typical "effort mount" but just low droprates for easy content? that's not effort, that's just time spent vs luck

  19. until wow is f2p i cant see myself ever reinstalling or subscribing to play again – – that being said, if more of the game was available for free (exclude raids, exclude rated pvp) – hell yah id probably level up some alts as a pass time

  20. You guys cut out the best part where Asmon calls out all the people who constantly argue about which game is bad when it's not even a part of the conversation, "You are an annoying fucking loser, please stop doing it. Nobody wants to hear it, literally nobody cares."

  21. People need to start treating MMO's that take up so much personal time as a lover. Did they stop treating you right? Did they let themselves go? Did they stop putting out? DUMP THEM. You wasted years with them already and now you are neglected in an abusive relationship, and pissing on another game for being more popular is basically stockholm syndrome.

    WoW is my Ex. WoW is in the same part of my heart that my ex girlfriends reside. I remember the fun times with a fond smile….that slowly turns into a snarl of anger and disgust the more I think about it. 13 years of my life, a whole chapter, what a fucking waste.

  22. If you have something that can be done in a game, it means it has to be done in order to min-max it. People who are beyond lower level casual will naturally want to min-max everything, especially if it's necessary or sufficiently beneficial (like faster runs). That is a MAJOR issue in games wherever it happens. If fucking yourself with a dildo increases your damage output by 1%, many will feel or get compelled to do it.

  23. Literally just last week… he was saying that WoW raiding has become too difficult and that content needs to become more accessible… And now again he's back to contradicting himself saying that content that's so extremely difficult and hard to achieve needs to be in a game in order to inspire players to want to progress… His mentality is either, It's too hard so why even try… at the same time it's… Damn, that's so badass that they completed that thing that's so hard, so I wanna do it too… He really can't make up his mind on what he perceives to be the better form of design.


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