She loves PEAS đŸ«› | Zepla reacts to PREACH’s FFXIV Dawntrail MSQ Clips [FFXIV]

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Editor : TakLunae [Discord : taksangre]


32 thoughts on “She loves PEAS đŸ«› | Zepla reacts to PREACH’s FFXIV Dawntrail MSQ Clips [FFXIV]”

  1. Best comparison people are using is Wuk Lamat with original kid Naruto show
    Both have cringe lines and delivery for the English VAs. This is was I really disliked about Wuk Lamat the most, the line deliveries.
    I will not blame the VA herself, but the director as they are the one that ultimately said, "this is good and what I want in this game".
    So bad.
    Also, not excusing the writing and story itself.
    Well, now that this is story is done with, how about we bring back Ishikawa from her vacation and have her write the next one. 🙂

  2. I'll speak for the silent majority. Wuk Lamat, her English VA, the story writers all suck and should have a restraining order from this game for perpetuity. Don't like my opinion? Go make your own, we'll not argue with you. Have a good night!

  3. Frankly, I think this expansion is repeating too much of everything that has already been done. We have already seen that peace is good a million times, we have promoted cooperation between peoples who hated each other a million times. Now we have all of these repeated themes embodied in one character.

  4. When you dialogue skip you realize how un engaging the mission gameplay is. Run back and forth click click click. Sneak click click click. Type /cheer kill 2 mobs click click click

  5. Wuk lamat is honestly one of my favorite characters- however i agree the voice acting in most scenes is bad. Especially this one. However something ive noticed is that it genuinely sounds like the VA here is shouting. Its hard to explain but this sounds like the VA is actually shouting and its her best. Ive met people like this who have the same tone in their voice where normal conversations have a lot of tone but when they raise their voice- it disappears.
    Im not saying this isnt something square shouldnt have tried to fix- but i do enjoy wuk lamat and i take that to be her. If you actually are trying to get to know characters you will be able to appreciate things like this as quirks and what not.
    As for the story- i enjoyed it. The only thing i didnt like was how the vibes of the expansion changed halfway through. I get that they changed it so that it matched with the lore but still. I have very much so enjoying the culture they put into the music and the story and graphics and everything only for it to be swept away later as we get thrown into the next half of the turali saga. I liked the ff9 references and music throughout however i also hated that the ff9 stuff didnt hit until after this shift as well.
    To keep it as spoiler free as i can- if you are not far enough in the story to see what i mean by the shift- just go to the patch notes and compare tulliyollal to solution nine. Its not the same and i liked it in general but did not like having to change like that

  6. She's the ultimate optimist. Naively so. And her innocence is what makes her so likable imo. I want to protecc her at all cost… Then again she can protecc herself. I like her VA too, idk what's the issue.

  7. Im So happy I changed the Language to Japanese JUST at the begining of the expansion after I heard the 2 headed guy speak.
    MAN the Japanese voice acting for Lamat is so much better, the character is still annoying, but mand it doesnt sound so fcking Cringy.

  8. FWIW, Wuk's revelation wasn't that she loved peace but she realized peace wasn't simply the absence of war and rather living in happiness. She then devoted herself to serving her people. It's just made so much worse by the writer lacking subtlety and just have her and other characters mention peace to the point of redundancy prior to the convo.

  9. If they portrayed the peace thing as something comedic and dorky and "really" with a reaction from your WoL that was more realistic to a player's perspective, it would have been funny and really good. It could have been a comedic """Heart to heart""" that was more self aware. But there was zero self awareness in this stereotypical shonen anime.

  10. Wuk Lamat is what happens when annoyance of SB Lyse is made into main character and you are just her security guard…
    I might be on copium, but I prayge patch story is actually good.
    Idk how much they need to bribe Ishikawa to come back, but they have to do it.


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