There’s no way FF14 can top this moment. This story is absolutely incredible.
We met with Emet in the recreated city of Amaurot, knowing what had to be done after his sudden betrayal. We took a trip down a memory lane of his design before meeting with Hades in the Dying Gasp and bringing a conclusion to Shadowbringers 5.0.
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Terrabellum streams a variety of games and is currently playing through more of FFXIV than Asmongold. He also streams horror and souls-likes and other RPG’s 4 days a week on Twitch!
#ffxiv #shadowbringers #reaction
I cant be the only one who gets goosebumps when ardbert shows up then the music plays lol. Glad you have made it pretty much all through the content at this point hope you contiune to enjoy the content presented to you.
All I'm gonna say this. Shadowbringers isn't done with you yet! 5.1-5.5 here we go!
I've always felt that what you say to Ryne has very different meanings depending on the first choice and then following it up with Haurchefant's dying words
"Then you shouldn't hang your head. Fate may be cruel, but a smile better suits a hero." -> "Keep your head high through the tough times, keep smiling for yourself and others"
"I'm not asking to be saved. Fate may be cruel, but a smile better suits a hero." -> "No matter what happens, even if this is the end, keep smiling"
Notice how at the very end before Emet dies, he was finally standing upright. His burden had been lifted.
"There's no way FF14 can top this moment. This story is absolutely incredible."
Uh huh. See you at the end of 6.0. I can't wait to watch you experience the rest of this story.
"There's no way FF14 can top this moment." famous last words
The "Remember us" line was rough but I didn't lose it until the Ardbert camera pan at the end with his friends. Congrats on finishing 5.0!
It makes me sad everytime I see him cry for real 🙁
The one line u missed while ver flashbanging is Emet saying "That light split the world and every life upon it!". You can see hes still hasnt forgiven Haydelin for doing so. Such a deep character.
A lesser known, but crucial point in Emet's view of mankind is his deliberate creation of flawed societies. From the Allagans to the Garleans, each empire's fate was doomed from the beginning. This has only reinforced his bias against mankind, and drove him further into madness.
I love watching people's reaction to FeelsBringer 5.0 ending so I occasionally search for it on YouTube to see any new uploads. And here we are! Posted 2 hours ago 😀 Glad you had a wonderful time playing FF14 ShadowBringers
"There's no way FF14 can top this moment." lol see you at the 6.0 ending. Congrats on the Shb clear, happy new year!
Aaaaaah nooooo I gota start playing the game agen T.T as your reaching the point I'm at eeeeehhhh >.>
The best is yet to come with Endwalker, still, Shadowbringers is definitely filled with moments that touch your heart. I paused the game after I finished 6.0, because I didn't have enough time to play to justify keeping a subscription going. I am very eager to return to this game, not many games managed to genuinly make me cry, especially on so many different occasions. Truly something special.
Emmet literally said "Pleased to meet you, hope you guessed my name!" And now we all have Sympathy For The Devil. RIP Hades.
Now that the First has been saved and there should be no more rejoining, you and G'Raha are the only two people of the Source who have been rejoined 8 times. Canonically the strongest heroes in the world now, woot!
Lol. He wouldn't kill his own fa…. OH!
Shadowbringers is incredible. Glad you enjoyed it.
"We only cried a lot, a whole lot." Welcome to Shadowbringers.