For you folks briefly glancing at the top of the Description: this video is hella timestamped.
After delivering sufficient “inspiration” to Grenoldt, he successfully–and quickly–constructed the sacred lamp that the Ondo have been patiently awaiting the completion of, in which we hastily bring to the said peoples. Overjoyed at the mythical implications of us being its deliverers, they proceed to commence and honorary ritual with the Lamp. Once they have finished, they thank us for our assistance and offer us the information and guidance that we seek.
They tell of an ancient, illuminating city that appeared only some few days ago to the southwest. Believing this to be the lead towards Emet-Selch’s abode, we swiftly make our way through various cave systems and past a magical barrier to finally reach the city.
What we find is nothing short of awe-inspiring. Tall, monolithic towers in innumerable number that spanned for as far as the eye can see, with spires and twisting archways littered throughout in a display of cultural and creative magnificence. A city of this size and of this complexity surely portrayed a peoples of great wealth, intelligence, and power. But, as Y’shtola points out, it appears that this city was entirely aetherical in nature; an enchantment on a monumental scale.
This was Emet-Selch’s home. This was Emet-Selch’s power. But more than anything, this was Emet-Selch’s pain.
As we explored the city, we have come to discover Emet’s people and the true nature of his species: tall, gentle, conversational, powerful, creative, open, caring…
…and that all of these people were simply memories. A time when life was better, when everyone was as powerful as they were wise. Though out of his peoples’ entire history to recreate, the one moment that he has chosen to recreate and relive was the day before the end of it all.
We take our time to converse with these ancient gods–known to be “Amaurotines”–and learn of their society and the looming concern of some unknown force that came from the ground in a land across the sea; a force that corrupted all creation and spawned horrendous creatures and nightmares into the world. We deduce that this concern is what ultimately led to the end of their world.
As we maneuver throughout their highly modern lifestyle, we eventually find ourselves waiting for some documents to be processed so that we may be permitted to enter “the Capitol”, which we’ve heard is the place where Emet-Selch and the rest of the “Convocation”–a conglomerate of fourteen of the mightiest minds of Amaurotine society–resides. During our wait, we meet a curious Amaurotine who goes by the name “Hythlodaeus”, who seems to be the most advanced and self-aware of these memories. They regale to us the events which transpired in the midst of the chaos during the calamity, along with the insurmountable burden that Emet had placed upon his shoulders.
During the conversation, our name is called to retrieve our visitor’s writ to enter the Capitol. But as we say our goodbyes, Hythlodaeus mentions their observation that we traveled with another soul, which makes them the only other being to have acknowledged Ardbert’s presence thus far. Not only did they know of his existence, but they also knew of the origin of our soul, and that we are supposedly shards of the same soul. Before we inquire any further on the subject, we find that they had disappeared along with the rest of the memories that resided in the room.
Though it were definitely a topic worth discussing, we currently have more pressing matters to attend to: finding the Crystal Exarch, and putting an end to Emet-Selch.
Spoiler Warning – 0:00
Introduction – 0:19
Playthrough – 6:38
Pre-Dungeon Cutscene – 15:24
Pre-Dungeon Prep – 23:58
Entering Dungeon – 28:30
First Boss – 32:30
Minor Monsters – 35:36
Second Boss – 39:41
Minor Monsters/2nd Half – 42:33
Final Boss – 46:22
Post-Dungeon Cutscene – 51:17
Pre-Trial Prep and Talk – 1:02:40
Trial Start – 1:06:14
2nd Phase – 1:12:27
Post-Trial Cutscene – 1:18:18
Credits, Talks, and Music Appreciation – 1:33:33
Patreon Appreciation – 1:40:56
Talks of Tribulations and Plans – 1:42:08
Passing Lore Thoughts – 1:47:09
Music Appreciation – 1:50:51
Passing Lore Thoughts – 1:51:31
Square Enix Appreciation – 1:56:29
Special Message – 1:57:08
Back to Credits – 1:59:45
When I Say Something Again – 2:02:13
Locking on Target – 2:05:39
Square Enix Appreciation – 2:06:02
Post-Credits Moments – 2:07:59
Post-Credits Cutscene – 2:11:47
Moments Before Completion – 2:24:34
Completion Cutscene – 2:28:07
End – 2:32:55
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