SEPARATE CODES?! | Zepla covers Official FFXIV Lodestone Post on REGISTERING FOR DAWNTRAIL

Lodestone Post here:

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Editor : TakLunae [Discord : taksangre]


24 thoughts on “SEPARATE CODES?! | Zepla covers Official FFXIV Lodestone Post on REGISTERING FOR DAWNTRAIL”

  1. Sure the old mog can't figure out the difference between a game with and without a pre-order bonus so they gotta give him two codes to make him happy. Poor mog needs some TLC.

  2. You need two because one registers the edition, whether it's regular or collectors edition and the second one is for the preorder items.

    The one that actually matters is the edition because that actually registers the game, whereas not everyone will have get the code for preorder items anymore.

    Edit: to be fair, the preorder stuff is treated as optional items, and SE has you register optional items with codes. I would rather they have some other way of doing it though, like with a QR code.

    Over the last 2 weeks I've had to use the system numerous times for preorder bonus, mountain Zu, 3 seperate times for the twtich drops…

  3. Ngl this is a pretty serious thing for people and many people may not be aware of this.. given the absolute overload of information Square-Enix provides and the very difficult ways it is to manage it.

  4. As a Windows player this has been the way it has worked for the last 2 expansions. Registering the pre-order code does flag your account and you'll have access to the expansion for two weeks after release.

  5. I found a trick to figuring this out. By reading the text provided and following the instructions laid out in the message I received I was able to figure out what needed to be done. Stay strong, everyone, as this took me an entire 3 minutes to accomplish.

  6. What happens if you don't out the new, main code??
    You cannot access DT zones
    So, if you have your character in a new zone, you would be able to access your character until you put in the code.
    If you have your character oustide a DT zone, you will be able to keep playing, just not go to a DT zone.
    Ya, SE is dumb when it comes to these things, but I'm used to this crap since ARR so for me it's normal and easy now.
    Also, you have until Friday (July 5) to figure this out and put in your code. GL

  7. Imagine needing a guide to put a code in on the lodestone, it's literally right there when you login you scroll down and click register game code, absolute lack of iq in this video and comment section.


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