Scarmiglione Theme | FFXIV The Fell Court of Troia Final Boss OST

FFXIV Soundtrack


9 thoughts on “Scarmiglione Theme | FFXIV The Fell Court of Troia Final Boss OST”

  1. I am sure this is the boss battle theme from FF 4 plus he drops the song scroll randomly called "FF IV: battle 2". His theme would fall under "battle with the four fiends/archfiends. My guess they put thay song there since we haven't heard ff4 boss song since the expansion and they just threw it there for the nostalgia, kind of like how they did esper battle in bozja…since they skip it thru all ivalice raid…

  2. It's weird to say, but I both lived and hated this remix. On the one hand FFIV's OST is fantastic and this sounds good. On the other hand FFIV was my first RPG and I hold it particularly sacred and I don't like it when Squeenix touches it.

  3. Spoilers ffiv:

    I have a case of mendela's effect with scarmiglione. When I played the DS remake, I was confused that he attacked me from behind just a moment after the first fight, but that's not how I remembered it.

    The way I remembered it was you fight him, Cecil goes in and becomes a Paladin, then comes out and gets attacked and beats the shit out of him like he was a pushover.

    I thought the DS was just making it harder so I went back to confirm I was wrong the whole time.

    Then I thought about it and realized I created an alternate story event that honestly would have been way more hilarious and badass


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