Savix FFXIV Expansion Tier list

#FFXIV #FF14 #endwalker
Savix FFXIV Tier list

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28 thoughts on “Savix FFXIV Expansion Tier list”

  1. EW is like Avengers Endgame. You need to get on the journey by watching all the previous movies first to reap the full experience of the entire universe and stories they have built. EW impact hits hard because we were forced to go on that journey. If you played EW without any context, you would probably be very lost. Also, Old Sharlayan is the best city hub. Fact.

  2. EW >= ShB > HW >= SB > ARR (ARR still a 9/10 for me!) Other than like 2 hours at the veeerry beginning of SB, there was never a dull moment or a dry eye for every single bit of FFXIV. One of my favorite games of all time, up there with my personal GOATED games (Persona 5, TotA, Automata, FFX, and KH (All of them, which if you play them in order aren't confusing at all despite the dumb meme) )

  3. SB > EW >= ARR > ShB > HW, primarily because the concept of what each of these expansions is in a story this interwoven is so fuzzy that the sheer job of seperating which part is which actively runs counter to the point of doing it to begin with. Stormblood starts in ARR, all of the crazy parts of Shadowbringer is part of Endwalker and Heavensward is superseeded by essentially everything when you see how comparatively little of an impact it has in the grand scheme, even if the personal investments it created are stronger than most (unless you're me and you actually care about Wilred).

  4. even though I beat Endwalker, overall I still prefer Shadowbringers Overall Package and 4.3 is still my most favorite Part of the Story and that's fine. Endwalker still is a Remarkable Display of How to Conclude an Story Ark.

  5. Shadowbringers is like a grand symphony which slowly builds into a crescendo in which every single note is played flawlessly.

    Endwalker is like an even more grand symphony in which most notes are played flawlessly.

    Shadowbringers is the best.


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