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#Gaming #FFXIV #Asmogan
Job actions show the old stuff and the new mixed together basically doing the normal rotations and throwing in the new Actions in them like players would come Endwalker
As a Warrior main, that last attack was quite jarring and would've made me spit out my drink if I had one! That shit was bordering on Godbert Manderville levels of nuttiness.
From I gathered from the the actual live letter stream for DRK is that Salted Earth no longer has cast range and is basically an OGCD AOE ability. Still can't figure out which shield buff is which and what they do except The Blackest Night.
The Machinist area looks exactly like it was taken from Gears Of War 2. If a squad of Locusts started shouting and where met with a hail of Lancer fire when the MCH was still on screen I wouldn't even be phased. Shotgun is new apparently
Yoshi P decided to continue on from 5.0 by adding to what it exists for most jobs here. I am glad they're doing that because unlike other MMORPG I know that they add a gimmick to it every expansions.
So welcome to the ffxiv pre expac launch stuff! Job action trailers mix in old moves and new ones as a showcase what to expect jobs to look like on expac launch. Either new abilities/traits from 80 to 90 or a complete jobs rework entirely from the looks of it Summoner will play differently as it looks like the Egis are replaced with actual summons as far as it looks like. Just speculating of course from my knowledge of having all 80s ((and knowing too much from playing this game for years.))
Drk/Sch seem to have gotten the short end in the job actions.
Drks edge of shadow looks like it got buffed, salted earth is different, a new aoe skill it looks like and a 2nd blackest night? Was placed on healer were the differences for drk alone.
There will be a media tour soon where streamers/ influencers are invited to test out all the new things and ask questions. There will be a info embargo before they can spill the beans about what they experienced. If any of the previous tours are anything to go by.
Tldr: job action trailer mixes in old and new skills to show off what to expect for EW and
we will be getting more info in bits and pieces about endwalkers from here until launch. 😀 please look forward to it.
Monk is losing some positionals so rejoice
Machinist does feel a little out of place but it is. Love letter to edgar in ff6 who is the inspiration for many of the machinist moves (chainsaw, bio blaster, air cannon). The shotgun however feels the most out of place, even with the new automaton queens 2nd end burst move… way to simple for a class that spends like 30% flipping around and also giving players hand cramps with how much ocd weaving is required
On the Astrologian Yu-Gi-Oh thing, that was such a big part of its inception from moment one that its original weapon during development was a Yu-Gi-Oh duel disk on their arm. There's a bunch of concept art pictures/models out there of it that they showed off pre-Heavensward.
14:09 – Everyone was comparing them to the Nu Gundam's Fin Funnels from Char's Counterattack because it's literally the same thing: flying beam cannon drones that can also form energy barriers to guard against attacks. The chat was full of Gundam comments that Yoshi-P was reading when he was giving a live demonstration
for DRK: your "Living Shadow" also does higher level weaponskills and not locked to lower level ones
for SAM: we now get the Ice aoe (equivalent to Tachi: Yuki), also shown are Tachi: Senei (uses 50 kenki uses both katana and sheathe), and Tachi: Shoha (uses 3 meditate stacks, multi slash attack after Midare Setsugekka aka: Big Chungus!), and lastly the other new big Iaijutsu with the two BIG slashes
Hype levels are rising fast, think I'm about off the charts now! It's gonna be great! As a fellow tank main, I'll be Plunging/Onslaughting/Rough Dividing into the expansion because why wouldn't I wanna be the first to the fray? XD
Speaking of Plunging, the range on that will be getting bumped up to 20 yalms/yards from 15 so you can yeet into punks from further away! Same is happening to the gap-closers of Paladin and Gunbreaker, but not Warrior…. because Warrior will have three charges of Onslaught as opposed to every other tank having two charges of their gap-closer.
Reaper's looking to be a very interesting melee job. Easy enough to learn, but lots to work on to truly master it. The basic single-target combo won't have positional requirements, buuuut your voidsent avatar is a bit pickier about directional stuff for those attacks. That little dash that leaves a portal makes for some very interesting tactical mobility, dunno if it rings a bell but think along the lines of WoW's Warlock portals. Another thing that's easy to miss in all the black garb and armor is just before that Reaper started spamming all those black-and-red voidsent attacks, their appearance and battle stance changed entirely to indicate they're being (temporarily) possessed by their voidsent avatar and about to go on a reaping rampage.
I'm stopping right now, it's way too easy for me to make walls of text. Hyyyyype!
Paladin listens to Christian rock.
Hello! I would like to know If the game have big Dragons and Wyverns to fight on the wilderness, or these types of creatures only appears as bosses? (Sorry for my bad english).
fun fact the JP voice actor for Urianger, whom switched to AST, also voiced Jaden Yuki, the main protagonist for Yugioh GX.
Every expansion the jobs are reworked / tweaked some more than others plus new abilities Job actions trailer / video gives you a taste Then during the live letter where vid was shown they give little bit more details Won’t get full details on jobs changes till media tour in mid OCT & when xpac releases
FF is High-Fantasy rather than Fantasy which can allow for traditional type of weapons and humanoid variances of races.