MinnMax’s Sarah Podzorski brainwashes/teaches Jeff Marchiafava why Final Fantasy XIV is still one of the greatest games ever made by showing him a handy powerpoint presentation and then walking him through some high-level gameplay. You can support this show directly and vote for more episodes by checking out MinnMax on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/minnmax
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Godfall – Joshua Ayers
Mischief Makers – John Miller
Sifu – Nonprofessionalz
iRacing 2023 Season 1 Patch 1 – Mattmini2008
Garfield Kart – RabidLime
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords – Logan Krause
Ghost of Tsushima – ProcyonNumber6
Cave Story (Freeware Version) – Malcolm Holliday
Yakuza: Like A Dragon – Jesse Spencer
New Pokémon Snap – Rayluaza
Disaster: Day of Crisis – DominicCichocki
Gitaroo Man – Patrick Polk
Hotel Dusk: Room 215 – Joe Dean
Pajama Sam: No Need To Hide When It’s Dark Outside – Starkiller
Luck Be A Landlord – TrampolineTales
Illusion Of Gaia – Spider_Dan
Guitar Hero II – Hunter Blessing
Kingdoms Of Amalur: Reckoning – Clemens Zobel
Dark Cloud – Andres Silva
Superman 64 – Zachary Pligge
Spider-Man and Venom: Maximum Carnage – prettygoodprinting.com
UnMetal – MisterNomer
My gf tried to get me to play FF14 years ago and when I finally did, I didnt like it.
Fast forward to last year and I told her I'd try it again. After sticking with it and beating it I can honestly say it is one of the best video games of all time.
Love this!
Fishing does have dungeons! Ocean Fishing.
"Reason #1: You can be hot. Video games forget how important it is to be hot" so brave, so true
"Is there a fishing dungeon?"
There is a timed event that occurs in intervals called Ocean Fishing, where you catch a ship out to sea with other fishers, and catch as many fish as you can within a timed event. There are even certain drops and fish you can only get in Ocean Fishing, as well. So, one could take that as a type of "fishing dungeon". lol
they're playing the pokemon Fire Red champion battle music!
It’s true, I have been to some pretty hot concerts at the Limsa Limosa Aetheryte. And I looked hot while doing it.
I've always wanted to play FFXIV but never had a group to play with. Now I've got a newborn and no time to invest in games 😔
Just snagged FF14 during the recent Steam sale. Digging it so far!
You could really make this a series. Take any game that someone on the team is passionate about and have them sell it, especially ones that seem daunting or misunderstood. It wasn't clear to me how much of the game was completely free and and now I know. Granted not every game has as much to talk about as FF14, the game that inspired all FFs before it ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) .
Sarah is a diamond in the rough. MinnMax was so lucky to get her, I honestly think she has superstar potential lol
"A welcoming community!"
Whys it sound like shes trying to put JeffM in the old folks home? 🤣
Also yes, fund the FF7 remakes!
Now this is the quality content I was hoping for.
Go get 'em Sarah, it's time everyone jumps on the "hot people MMORPG" train.
Jeff: "And you have how many hours in this game, Sarah?"
Sarah: "I think I have like a thousand."
Jeff (mouthing): "Oh my god."
Sarah: "It's probably higher now. But I mean, like, who's counting?"
this made me jump back into FF14 after nearly a year. Thanks for the relapse!
I tried playing a few months ago and spent a hour trying to login and sync my square accounts. Never got it to work
Sarah and JeffM are my favorites.
I've never played a Final Fantasy game, however I am intrigued by XVI, from what I've seen…
There IS A FISHER DUNGEON! Ocean voyages!
I love how excited Sarah is and you can totally see it in her eyes but she tries to totally talk casually about it 😀 Such a great sense of humor, too, love the chemistry between her and Jeff. Awesome Video!
Poor Lyse 😂
@15:15: You won't believe the range of this Korgi's sploot! 😂
My Boston Terrier was a sploot-scootin' boogier, lol!
@15:30: Sarah explains the facts of life to JeffM. 😂
Would love to see more FFXIV content with Sarah accompanying the MinnMax sprouts on their journey.
Personally I've only played ARR but now that 6.3 is out I look forward to play Heavensward as a single player game soon.
(the few community interactions I had were very positive though)
If only Square Enix had put this kind of love into Marvel's Avengers.
I've been hearing about this game for years. I guess I'll finally give it a shot.
Great video! I’d love to see Sarah attempt to recreate JeffM in the FF14 character creator.
this kills me. sarah's enthusiasm with jeffm's clear disinterest