✧Travellers Rest ✧ Medium House ✧ FREE Design ✧Final Fantasy XIV Housing Walkthrough✧FFXIV✧ FF14

Hey there!
I’m Morgana, I have been playing FFXIV for over 7 years. A die hard Final Fantasy fan since my teens, & FFXIV housing enthusiast.
Sometimes I’m not sure how I get to the end of my build, or often, how it even started.
But on this occasion, I want to thank the ‘Riviera Canopy Bed’, because it really got my creative juices flowing. I used the bed as a frame to make the house first of all. Then went the stable for my lovely noble Dhalmel steed, and lastly, the wagon. After that I could clearly see my traveller style camp starting to form.

While most of my builds in the past and present are not your typical kind of homes, I do really enjoy making them. Please stay tuned if you would like to see more!
This build is FREE to download.
Download: https://ko-fi.com/s/878ac5cc52

♥ My links ♥



✧Thank you for looking ✧

The Last Stand (Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker)
John Oeth Guitar


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