Sage Council Final Fantasy XIV. How to do Sage Council FFXIV quest. You can complete FF14 Sage Council mission following this video guide. Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game developed by Square Enix.
Thank you! I was stuck on this and you helped me find the last NPC I needed
Thank you! This is one of THE worst quests in any MMO I've had the displeasure of doing. Horrible!
2:18 was the one i missed, thanks!
Most stupid quest ever. Thanks for the vid.
They need to fix this shit dude lol. Get rid of the red circle and just mark them on the map
This expansion has probably the worse quests ever in any MMO. Story is good tho.
Give us a massive search area, a bunch of actual real objectives, and to make it better, even more fake ones! Flawless quest design.
Thanks, the quest really troubled me. Seems the NPCs are scattered everywhere and faraway from each other, and when a NPC is talked to, the next will be at a random place. So tired of running round and round.
Whoever designed this kind of quest should be fired. Also fire those smart devs who think escort quests in wow are good and bring them to FF14. Shame. Good story but ruined by those NPC walking quests.
5:36 was the one I was looking. This has to be one of the worst quest design ever and I thought the Moogles back in HW were bad. I don't get why they don't minimized the circle to reduce its probability of finding people baffles me, it used to do that then.
One of my most hated quests in the game. Heres a list of annoying things about this quest:
1) There's 8 people you need to talk to
2) The quest marker doesn't show up above the npc's heads until you are close. You might think an npc is not quest related but actually is
3) Not every npc with a quest marker counts towards the objective
4) The search area is WAY to big
5) The music. Why couldn't the music have went back to the normal area music after the linkshell cutscene? Listening to the 1 minute long track on repeat while wasting time looking for the npcs drove me insane
I'm glad that everyone in the comments section can agree that this was bar none, the absolute fucking worst quest in this entire expansion.
Nice time wasting quest! Bravo
I couldn't find the first one anywhere! lol thanks
Thank you i also cant find the last hyperventilating guy.
Thank you I was down to the last one and I was going out of my mind finding him