"Rise" with Official Lyrics (Alexander Prime Theme) | Final Fantasy XIV

This is probably the hardest song to sing-along to in FFXIV. Virtually impossible if you’re just casually gonna do it without practice lmao

🎤 More FFXIV lyric videos: https://www.hungrychad.com/p/sing-along-lyric-videos-ffxiv.html
⚔️ FFXIV raid guides: https://www.hungrychad.com/p/final-fantasy-xiv-raid-guides.html
🎧 Listen to FFXIV OST: https://www.hungrychad.com/p/listen-to-final-fantasy-xiv-soundtrack.html

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27 thoughts on “"Rise" with Official Lyrics (Alexander Prime Theme) | Final Fantasy XIV”

  1. I enjoyed this song a lot when the raid first came out and I still enjoy it to this day. Thanks for putting words to the lyrics. Still cant understand a thing that is being said though! Haha! Good work mate.

  2. I have restarted the song five times trying to hear the second part of the first line which I have no doubt is in there, but I keep trying anyways. The speed of these lyrics are simply mind-boggling.

  3. The reason why it references blue a lot is because the Illuminati is called the Blue Hand in japanese. Doesn't really matter in the long run cause you can't understand it normally.

  4. That awkward feeling when quite a few of the lyrics mention the blue hand but you, Mr Translator Person, have already renamed them the Illuminati

  5. day 1 on learning to sing this: i can do the intro!
    ill keep you all posted each time i practice 🙂

    day 2:
    i can do half the song, def not gonna be able to do any goblin chaos lol way too fast

    day 3: fuck "cceleratin past us- blast us-"

  6. Gobbie boom?! That part where Alexander temporarily stopped time and the BGM suddenly became like submerged (i don't remember the term lol) will forever be epic! This fast af track is a perfect match with that Alexander fight


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