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Outro song – Go_A – SHUM –
Zenos sounds like a bwitish teen youtuber. The w was on purpose.
Rich's character looks ridiculous and I love it.
Schrödinger's Cat Girl is at it again.
I feel like ppl shit on SB story more than it deserves. I think it was really well done. You start off going YEA WELL SAVE ALAMIGO and you quickly get a reality check by zenos and he shows you that you guys are no match so you have to go off and basically train and find more allies to help you stand on to this monster of a man and his army. Then come back once your empowered.
Proof that the original dubs are better. From sociopathic sadist to this…
9:09 "why they fake kill Y'shotla twice? they can't keep fake killing her"
yeaaah… about that. pretty sure we will see at least one of those in Endwalker too
God i still remember the first time i fought him, i really thought to myself "wow, i get to kill this guy now? i wonder who the real final boss is gonna be for stormblood then now that im gonna kill him"
not even 2 minutes later he completely recked me that was the first time i got beaten in a fight in this game and i still remember it
Rhalgr's Reacharound
I hated Lyse, more useless than Minfilia. She was better when she was still Yda.
Rich: I'm the warrior of light!
Zenos: And I don't give a shit.
"why would he even kill her, there is no motive"
thats the point. you wanted chaos, well here he is in all his glory.
Vibe check: the expansion
Zenos is my favourite character, im so glad Rich is enjoying him as well (judging from the rest of his Stormblood stream)