Rich W Campbell Becomes A LEGEND! (UCOB) | LuLu's FFXIV Streamer Highlights

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Streamers Featured

►Rich W Campbell


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►Brian Ricardo








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47 thoughts on “Rich W Campbell Becomes A LEGEND! (UCOB) | LuLu's FFXIV Streamer Highlights”

  1. He did get carried since he wouldn't have cleared it this quickly as a relatively new player with an average group. But the clear is valid nonetheless since he did execute mechanics correctly and learned the fight. It's a legitimate clear accelerated by streamer privileges.

  2. I'm happy for his clear, if you look up the names of the party member's in FF log you will see that all of them are top raiders with most of them having 99%parses on most fights with multiple classes , some even have over 40 clears of UCOB, but in saying that all the members of the party must play there part in the fight, it also helps having an experienced raid leader and having good communication. So yes it is possible to clear within a few days spending10-12 hours per day practicing the fight with those experienced players.

  3. Imma very honest with you
    The past few highlights I have seen the
    "Rich got carried" or "streamer privileges" thing
    You guys really need to chill out about this do not get any attention to The Gatekeepers let the man have his fun with the game

  4. All the people malding over Rich getting his UCOB clears probably dont have the patience or skill to put up with the grind. Even of they are paired up with the best of the best, they probably wont be able to compete.

    Get over yourselves and let the man have fun. Yall are making the community that people boast about look stupid.

  5. To all those toxic whiners complaining about "oh this guy got carried" or "she was carried it's so unfair compared to what WE had to go through"-grow up. I've met your kind in WoW and you're just as toxic and pathetic as they are. Just grow up. If you have issues about who got help in a computer game I shudder to think how you manage in real life.

  6. 0:28 Nothing special with a group of top tier raiders that cleared this fight several times before and knew exactly what to do.
    I know, Rich didn't know anything about this fight, but the rest know everything about the fight and it makes a huge difference whether only one person has to learn the fight or everyone.

  7. Hopefully all the trash talking doesn't get Rich down because it's liable to keep following him as long he's wearing the ultimate title/weapon and making silly mistakes.

    It's hard not to be a little envious of a guy who can get some of the best raiders around to help him beat the hardest content on a moment's notice, but it's a little disturbing how dogged some people can be about devaluing what someone considers a personal accomplishment.

  8. Don't know why people are so salty about the clear. Who cares that he got carried? If people were willing to carry him, what is the problem? Its not your time or money being consumed. So you had to do it "the hard way" back in the day. Boo f**king Hoo. That's like old-timers always saying "You kids have it so easy. Why, back in my days, we used to……yadda yadda." Yeah? And?

  9. Oof with support from Delany and rin karigani and Happy there cant go anythign wrong in progress they very good and patient. gj on rich anyway, happy to see him happy being successfull

  10. Who the F even cares about some guy clearing some content in a game. You're wasting your time.
    If you get mad about shit like this, there is a whole lot wrong with you.
    I'm glad they had fun. That's all that matters.

  11. I couldnt care less if Rich got carried, didnt you see his face of pure joy when he cleared? Thats all that matters.

    If youre jealous and wanna get "carried" too theres always people willing to help you. Hell, Rin helps other players clear all the time.

  12. Glad Rich got the clear, being a tad nipicky on MCH but 30 hours to learn a unfamillar class and just do enough damage to keep pace is admirable.
    XIV has a hyper casual problem. The hyper Casuals are fine until someone decides to leave the bucket and join the greater community. Then they become a pit of crabs trying to drag anyone back down because they refuse to get better or are too incompetent to understand how to get better.

    The funny thing is what happen to Rich, probably happens a lot more than people will give credit. Yes, Rich got an all star cast to go through UCOB but did you know that the guy who you never thought raided asked his friends for a Ultimate Clear and got it? Or how about that catgirl/bungirl you saw a few days ago that now has a Legend title. People get Ultimate clears, sometimes its with 7 people knowing the whole fight, maybe half or just one good shot caller. The thing is you'd never know, because you'd never ask….Rich just streamed what probably happens far more than people want to recognized.

  13. Just curious, is it even possible to clear ultimates with random players from party finder? I'm a sprout who just finished stormblood 4.0 and I'm really looking forward to trying out these ultimates but I don't have any friends to play with..


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