Rich view on FFXIV jobs vs WoW classes | FF 14 community clips

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25 thoughts on “Rich view on FFXIV jobs vs WoW classes | FF 14 community clips”

  1. Agree to disagree, I guess. Roughly 4k hours in FF14 and I keep coming back to wow. I love the specs in wow and how you can be somewhat different in gameplay with your talents,builds,gear,legendaries,conduits. I never really liked the idea of being the millionth monk,paladin or warrior with literally no difference in gameplay. It is balanced,but it takes alot of the RPG elements out of FF14 for me

  2. Just being able to have all the Jobs on one character makes it superior to WoW. No longer do I have to feel that moment of disappointment when that BiS item that I've been chasing on my main for months drops for the first and only time when I'm on my alt.

  3. well except the fact that when u are level 60, 3 of your spells dont work properly cause u need an upgrade or proc thing that unlocks at level 66 or something:D kind of stupid or the fact that first 40 levels u are mindlessly clicking 2-3 spells over and over:D or a total of like 800 MSQ quest chains u have to go through ahhh and also, in FF14 all classes are same, all jobs are same to each other, all monks are same monks, all samurais are all same samurais, its all the same between same jobs, cant even change one talent, cause there is none:D

  4. I love ff14, but I can't be the only one who's getting tired of people screaming how perfect is this game while shitting on WoW for the umpteenth time. Like yeah, I get it man, you hate WoW fuck WoW and all that, but FF14 is by no means a perfect game either.

  5. I think FFXIV is a bit too balanced for me though. I tend to enjoy the instability provided by older MMORPGs. It’s kind of like a candle, ff14 has a steady burning flame so it will burn a long time but the light it creates won’t be quite as bright. Older MMORPGs had wild flames that were huge and miraculous but they burnt out more quickly.

  6. Dunno, I reaaaaally dislike all the "it shits on …" videos or statements because I feel they are often not true and snobby. Don't get me wrong, I love FFXIV. And so far I kinda liked all the jobs I played. But the more jobs you play the more you see their similarities. Healer DPS (which is what you do like 60% of fights as a healer) is at least for SCH and WHM one cast + 1 instant dot and inbetween you weave all your crap. As far as I can see from the AST opener it's the same there but with a lot of double weaving. So we have 3 healer classes right now, and all they do 60% of the time is pressing one damage cast spell and keeping a dot up while weaving in shit (just look at their openers). Even though YoshiP said we have true healers, we simply don't. Yet the classes are not designed for what we are doing most of the time. Take GNB on the other hand. It's a tank with a DPS rotation (which they sadly simplify in EW instead of removing/unifying 3 of the 9(!) deff CDs). But it's fun to play BECAUSE it has a fun rotation and you weave in DEFF cds and not be like press one button over and over and over. Coming from WoW.. healers to me were more fun there, much more reactive and very different in the way they heal. While every DPS/tank in FFXIV feels more fun to me than any DPS/tank in WoW ever has. But the world isn't black and white. I certainly don't look back to WoW for MANY reasons.

  7. the only thing i think wow does better in that reguard is having classes that can DPS and Heal.

    It was really neat to see like, shaman throwing lightning bolts, to melee with wolves, to healing with water.

    The only thing ff14 has even close to that, is SMN/SCH and that is only because of 1.0 spaghetti code with the class system on launch

    Also, druid having a different form for every spec and being able to do every role felt a bit like ff14s job system lol

  8. The moral of this story is: Sometimes… Just sometimes, the hype is real. This whole vindicating event would be akin to religion being right and atheists(WoW players) being wrong 🤣😂. Everyone just over here in bliss and ecstasy and wowers are just like "No! I'd rather burn than be wrong!"

  9. I absolutely love that wow players are seeing how much better a game can be designed, and how much they are loving ffxiv, this should give all the devs at Square Enix great satisfaction

  10. Dancer isn't a job I would main because I don't love the role, but it's the most fun class I've played in any MMO. That's obviously subjective, but it's also par for my XIV experience since ARR. Alll the jobs have been at least somewhat interesting to me, even roles I don't want to play.

  11. It was crazy when ARR dropped and they forced you to level other classes just to get your job stone. Made you try out a bunch of others instead of just focusing on one. So you found other classes you liked. Plus unlocking all of the cross-class skills which have since been changed to just given to you as you level.

  12. I am currently at level 68 in FFXIV, I came from WoW and I'm loving the game, my only regret it's not knowing how good this game was. But I feel that the jobs has the same "function" in FF, every job is viable no matter the situation they face, this is a good thing, but I really liked the idea in WoW of having better dps for aoe, single, offtank, cc, movement etc, it felt more unique to play with that class because the classes were not balanced, I loved to be an excellent dps monk in Draenor (3rd best ww monk in dps according to wowprogress) because no one used to play with that class and I was able to make my monk be an excellent dps in aoe and singletarget fight because of my builds. I'm still levelling up in FF, so if what I said it's true, but these are my first imrpessions, if someone could reply this comment explain why or why not my impressions are correct, I'd be glad!

  13. Every spec is basically its own class at this point so the devs have triple the amount of work balancing wise while FF just has its core jobs without any fluff. Couple that with talent trees its no wonder they can't handle the game anymore

    There's a reason DH only launched with 2 specs

  14. So question: Do you think having all the jobs on one character would work for WoW? Given how much the classes are something that are a way of life for so many characters, would it hurt the feel of them to make them a job you can pick up and discard so easily? Admittedly, it wouldn't hurt the lore worse than BfA and Shadowlands already have, I'm just curious as to what people think, if WoW were ever to get a remake.

  15. I started playing FFXIV literally last week and I've played over 60 hours already, having the possibility of having different classes on the same character makes me very happy, even for the possibility of doing old raids with the current gear. The way that makes the gameplay dynamic without you getting sick is absurd, I was lyrally addicted to WOW and never played almost anything else, FFXIV is making me walk without looking back easily.

  16. I think him starting with summoner, struggling to do the rotation and keep dots up, finding machinist and seeing how few buttons there are then going to dragoon (which is more like the other dps classes) confuses him. Samurai, Bard, Monk, Ninja and Black Mage all have alot of buttons and mechanics to keep track of at 80. Machinist is like playing easy mode and unless you play high end content the dps differences and group utility is irrelevant.

    And seeing how he did ultimates as a machinist that also shows how having a great team makes up the difference in dps output. He doesnt even do his rotation right. He pushes buttons as he feels like and keeps checking chat. Which is how he builds a twitch channel so no surprise there.

  17. I disagree. FFXIV class design has a huge problem with redundant combos and abilities. A lot of it is just bloat.
    PLD is the easiest tank job, yet it has more buttons than any other tank for no reason whatsoever. It has a straightforward easy rotation that lines up pefrectly with the buffs, but it's 8 buttons long, with you using multiple of the same ability in a row. And they will add a confetior combo on top, so that's 3 more buttons.
    Just like wow's class design, it's good in some ways and awful in the others. I haven't played wow since the start of legion, so I don't know how it's now, but I'm pretty sure that dragoon would've had actual physical jumps with air control and proper air game if it was made by blizz from back then, judging by how they've made demon hunters.
    I mean hell, as a DRK main it always felt like playing a scuffed Death Knight.

  18. I will say that while I'm having a lot more fun overall in FF14, I think I enjoyed my blood dk's gameplay more than my dark knight's. Not by a huge margin, but a bit more. I think that mostly has to do with overall design more than the class itself though. I prefer the reactive proc based stuff that WoW tends to use over memorizing a rotation like you do in FF14. I've heard dancer uses a bunch of procs so I've started leveling that to try out, but as of right now I've preferred the style of the WoW class gameplay.


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