Rich Campbell Reacts to FFXIV: Shadowbringers Patch 5.3 PART ONE

Rich’s in the post-Shadowbringers endgame now… it’s about to hit him where it hurts! For more, please check out Rich’s twitch stream at:

“Ardbert,” aka Elidibus has caused chaos as the false Warrior of Light, and the Scions are left scrambling to manage in his wake. Elidibus runs the Warrior of Darkness through an anime recap arc to understand where he’s been, and the WoD also discovers more about his ancient past.
G’raha and Beq Lugg are almost at a cure for transporting their bodies back to the Source, but run into a massive snag just as they succeed… ,

Patch 5.2 – Reflections in Crystal

#richcampbell #ffxiv


40 thoughts on “Rich Campbell Reacts to FFXIV: Shadowbringers Patch 5.3 PART ONE”

  1. Ok, very close… Elidibus doesn't want to save 'the' world. He wants to save HIS world.
    Like Emet before him, he is the hero from his point of view. Zodiark was created to save the Ancient World so he wants to bring the Ancient World back.

  2. Does he stall so much with other games he plays? i cant tell if its part of how he enjoys streaming or if hes just milking the shb storyline for every drop 😂 of course he can do whatever he likes, its his stream, its just hard for me to watch

  3. I read those answers "Make it a nice big opening, eh?" and then clicked ahed to see Y'shtola say "Rest assured, i had no intention of expending (i heard expanding) any of mine this day". I was mildly confused on which answer he picked

  4. wait a second, that little "puts fingers to the lips" gesture….

    Hythlodaeus was a great friend to the unsundered Warrior of Light and did that to him in the fake amaurot
    then later on, we see Graha Tia do that same gesture to his friend, the warrior of light

    I wonder if Graha Tia is actually a sundered part of Hytholdaeus? And the piece that remains in him, the thread that connects, is that undying desire for friendship with the WOL? Even if neither has memories of the other or anything, parallels in personality can remain


    And I mean, if we can recognize Emet-Selch from a hand-wave…..

    plus, Graha Tia did have a large role in the entire shadowbringers story, which centered around Emet Selch and WOL as well, the trio of them, reflecting the trio of Emet, Azem and Hythlodaeus, i think theres a strong connection here, even if it isn't directly spelled out, because there's no need to know for sure if Hythlodaeus is Graha either

  5. I dunno if Rich is joking or actually thinks the game has hinted at Yshtola dying several times. There was maybe once in the entire story where I thought 'oh no is she gone?' Someone laying down does not mean the game is always alluding to someone being dead lmao.

  6. I really don't get people who whine about Rich stalling. He's digesting the lore seriously, I saw him theorizing about rejoining and preaching Emet Selch causee for 20 minutes straight.
    What other streamer recognized Gra'ha Tia in Crystal Exarch at once?
    What other streamer realized that Ardbert fusing with WoL in the end of 5.0 means 8th rejoining (or probably even more) for WoL and that's why Emet saw a glimpse of WoL's original image? Rich got it instantly.
    What other streamer understood the dialogues with Hythlodaeus so deeply? I personally missed most of it, Rich got it all.
    What other streamer recognized Emet Selch in the The Heroes' Gauntlet trial at once? I myself failed to do it.
    What other streamer noticed that Elidibus was a child?

    Most of people reacting to Shadowbringers just make stupid fake emotions, comment on music and textures. Rich is adequate to this story which is Tolkien level deep.

  7. I really do hope Rich and the others get around to reading the Tales from the Shadows story about Emet-Selch and, to a lesser degree, the one about the future that the Crystal Exarch version of Graha is from. The Emet story gives further details to why he is the way he is going into Shadowbringers and more lore about Azem. A bit of insight into Elidibus, Hythlodaeus

    For any who don't want to be bothered to go to the Lodestone, it is basically told through Emet-Selch's perspective immediately after Lahabrea is killed. Emet recalls a time before the sundering, when the Fourteen were doing what they do (i.e. Researchers and observers of the natural world and bound to not intervene). Elidibus mentions a volcano is due to erupt and soon to destroy the fertile land, including a lone village and all its people who decided to stay instead of run. Something the convocation would later discuss what action to take, but likely decide to just observe. While questioning why it mattered to be brought to his attention, he's told Azem went ahead and seeks to prevent the eruption and save the village.

    Unsurprised, Emet asked how Azem planned to do this. Elidibus mentions Lahabrea's masterwork, Ifrita. Emet realized that Azem had likely stolen the concept of Ifrita and aimed to use it to create a manifestation of the overflowing aether of the volcano to lure it away and destroy it safely. He also came to the conclusion that Azem likely had help to retrieve the concept by their mutual friend, Hythlodaeus, who he imagined likely cheerfully sent Azem on his/her way in defying the ways of the Convocation. Emet asked why Azem had wanted to prevent the eruption. Elidibus drew his own conclusion, being young, kind, and naive, where he believed Azem merely wanted to save the delicious grapes grown there, as per what Azem had told him. Emet, not wanting to shatter the faith Elidibus had in his peers that he admired so much, just agreed.

    Flash forward to the present, Emet reflected on how Lahabrea had changed and grew more aggressive in his pursuits. Recalling his creations from Ifrita to the "hopelessly immortal bird" (i.e. Phoenix) were beautiful and a vibrant representation of who he once was. His changed personality of boldness segueing into recklessness, resulting in his demise, being inevitable. Emet spoke and asked questions to Elidibus, who would show more signs that his friend was losing more memories of their past, as he failed to recall many things Emet spoke of. He also asked Elidibus if he would look at his crystal that Emet had created, which held all of their memories of their time as the Fourteen, as it would likely help recover those memories.

    Elidibus showed little concern for his loss of memory and refused, stating his only purpose is to his duty. Informing Emet that he is off to put an end to the Warrior of Light, he teleported away. Emet was resolved to find solace in sleep, being left alone in the darkness. It was the last time he saw Elidibus.

    Basically, it's a tale of how Emet understood their goal were slowly beginning to fade. That it would be inevitable that their memories too would become lost to time. How important it was to him that they all be remembered.

  8. The Fact we are 8/12 times rejoined, makes us more whole than which ever Race we chose at the start, right?

    For this to happen would our Soul have been Present during each Umbral Calamity in the past ages and survive it…

    Though this was not completely Hydaelyns doing, the cycle of rebirth from our Soul during each Astral Era to survive the Calamity which placed it in the next Umbral Era is immense.

  9. Ive watched ur videos and then i would see comments about him stalling ungodly amounts of time. N i was like “SURELY they’re over exaggerate” i tried watching/listening as his stream on 5.3 as if it was a podcast. 1.5hrs in and didnt even touch the msq at all… at that point i was like “I’ll just wait for this channel to sum it up” HAHAH

  10. Why? Why does everyone keep making freaky friday jokes? They literally say that they will only work if the soul recognizes the body and vise versa. You literally cannot possibly end up with a freaky friday situation.

  11. I feel like I've now entered stall-ception. Rich stalls any actual game content, then the channel condenses that stalling into parses to stall out running out of content to post. Soon it will leak into my being and I will stall watching any and all of it.


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