Rich is more firmly in Feelsbringers now… For more, please check out his twitch stream at:
This time around, Rich enters the Nabaath Areng Trolley Arc… possibly the worst part of Shadowbringers quest-wise, but one of the best story-wise. Rich is surrounded by angst from Minfilia (or rather Minifilia), Thancred, and Magnus the furry. Revelations abound from Emet-Selch and the Crystal Exarch! Ran’jit comes to spoil the fun.
Also Urianger is, as always, amazing.
#richcampbell #ffxiv
Pay reaaaaally close attention to Emet-Selch's posture, the way he walks and some of the seemingly offhand things he says because as the story goes on those three thinge start to take on new meanings. He is an absolutely phenomenally written and directed character and one of my personal favourite Final Fantasy characters ever.
Also someone needs to tell Rick that the Bunnies are Icelandic and the Fursuit Catmen are middle ages Hungarian. In the JP dub there is very little to tell them apart from other races except maybe their attitudes and the form of language that they use but Koji went out of his way to give them different nationalities because that plays a bigger role in English than in Japanese.
"I robbed a young girl of her family." Yeah…. To understand what the hell Thancred is talking about and why he's responsible for the gubbue rampage that killed Minfillia's dad you have to do the Alchemist questline in ARR.
I legit thought Thancred died here too. Shit was rough seeing first time
Ishikawa thrives off the tears of FFXIV fans, our suffering only fuels her desire to write and that's why she's the best FFXIV writer
Eji you are a saint, cheers to you!
Thancred closes his eyes because he is tired
Rich: WHAT THE FUCK NONONONONO YOU CANT DO THIS TO ME GAME NOOOOOOOO WHYYYYYYYYY 1 hour stall clicks next line of dialogue Oh he's not dead hah.
after watching this one, i decided to watch him stream today, which made me just not like him lmao
it was better just watching these
Lol he's trying to process what happened with Thancred, immediately tiny Bard starts playing victory theme lol.
One line. All it took was one line for Rich to go from "I hate this guy!" to "Holy shit, I feel bad for Ran'jiit!"
That's how good the writing is.
The best part about all this, at least for me, was the feels didn't even hit at this point of the expansion. That wasn't until the end and then at 5.3; that's the true Feelsbringer experience — again, at least for me. Each time Rich mentions the expansion breaking him down, I'm over here thinking he's not even close to the real shit. lol
As always, thank you Eji.
Once more, with feeling…
I’m just waiting for the Minfilia scene to happen and for Rich to be like “I guess she’s not TOO bad…”
The writer of 2.0 really betrayed Minifilia as a character. She's probably the most misunderstood character in the whole game thanks to the bad writing if you look at her in 1.0 and get a sense of what her actual character design is supposed to be.
Who the fuck is rich this is just kevin smith crying
01:05:34 It's a fun community.
"I don't get why she continues to feel this way." Well Rich has clearly never had self-confidence issues or Imposter syndrome. I'm happy for him.
Perfectly inappropriately timed victory theme has to become a thing for the rest of the playthrough.
ill never forget the day i did that ranjit fight. i finished it and immediately had to go to work. the whole day was me thinking about his sacrifice and coming to terms with his death. then finding out he is alive.
Damn… I didn't see anyone stalling more than him… and soooooo many time looking at his chat when and missing those really important unspoken animation
Rich: *emotionally dead *
Random bard: CONGRATULATIONS plays cheap midi version of the victory fanfare
51:31 – Remember this revelation for E11
I love Rich's emotional breakdowns to these parts of the story, you can tell he's invested and it is amazing watching him play through it XD
Rich really fucking sandbagging the exarch saying he came from the future
31:50 If only he knew just how much more painful Shadowbringers gets. Amaurot is truly heartbreaking. And then we get patch 5.1 through 5.3. What Soken went through to help bring us 5.3 makes it even more profound.
man, if rich feels this way about shb i would like to see him play a yoko taro game