Zepla agrees with FFXIV Plugin Dev in Asmon interview

Link to the full interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVqCl7o-ANY

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46 thoughts on “Zepla agrees with FFXIV Plugin Dev in Asmon interview”

  1. I would just love to be able to pull my camera back so that I can see everything that's going on. My peripheral vision is terrible, and I miss all kinds of mechanics simply because they happen out of range of my vision. Plus I get motion sickness from first person perspectives, and pulling the camera back really helps with that. I was most successful in high end raiding back in WoW Cataclysm (the only time I ever had full BiS and had fully cleared the highest level content available) simply because I knew a configuration option that effectively let me play the entire game from an overhead view so that I could see everything that was going on. That option's disabled in WoW now, and the camera situation in FFXIV is even worse.

  2. The person in zepla's chat saying "Banning people for something that will eventually get implemented, looks bad." is an idiot. It doesn't matter if SE decides to implement every single QoL changes made by these addons tomorrow, use of said addons is still against ToS, and a bannable offense. They have never changed their stance on addon use. Sure, can you want to have these QoL improvements in the game? Yes, but don't complain when you go about it the wrong way and get caught doing so. Think of this like when pot was legalized in a handful of US states. Just because it was on the road to becoming legal didn't mean that you couldn't be arrested for possession. And even though it's legal where you live, doesn't mean you can take it elsewhere, so you have to keep it to yourself, since it's still illegal at the federal level.

    Side note: I've seen people try to downplay the advantages even the most minor QoL changes some of these addons provide. I'm sorry, even if all the addon does is display a number that isn't normally available in that situation, such as the party buff timers that Xenos talked about as an example in one of his rants, that is still a clear advantage over console players and those that refrain from breaking ToS. Even if all it does is shave off a second from something you have to do to glean necessary information, rather than having to do an action (such as targeting a player) to see it, that is still time you save. In situations where you need quick reaction times, such as PvP or high end content, that split second improvement could mean the difference between winning and wiping. And there isn't a single player out there that can dispute that claim. That is a gameplay advantage that you should not have. There's a difference between someone ignorant of a feature that allows them to play at that level and someone injecting said feature into the game because they feel they need it. Everyone that seems to be getting mad about all this have gotten so used to doing the latter, especially when they came over from games that did allow this as part of the game itself. You can make arguments about why XYZ feature should be added to the game, even to the point where they actually listen and implement it, but that doesn't give you license to take matters into your own hands to do it yourself, especially when they've expressly forbidden it and you agreed to it when you started playing. This is a clear example of "The ends do not justify the means." They said no to addons. You agreed to it. If you didn't like it, you shouldn't be playing this game. End of story.

    So, do us all a favor, and stop your complaining that you might get banned for doing something you know will get you banned if you get caught.

  3. Different skills have different max ranges at which they can be activated, but I haven't been able to see distance to targets to position at safest range while still being able to pop those skills. Preferably under/next to the hp bar of the mob.

    Aion had distance to mobs for instance so you could kite more effectively, because you always stayed at say 24 meters when max skill range was 25.

  4. OH BOY let met tell you about death recap.

    The second trial in Endwalker, has an instant death ring around the arena. There isn't a patch of ground marked for death, no spikes or anything. Just… you touch it and you're dead. I had to attempt that trial six times because I would brush up against the arena border while avoiding a mechanic… screen fades to black, and fight starts over.

  5. I think it’s a bigger deal with XIV because of cross play. I have always played on a console. I don’t have access to any plugins so honestly if someone uses one and gets banned why should I feel bad for them? They broke the TOS. I play the game just fine without any mods. I’m sorry but pc gamers complaining about their mods being ban worthy is just ridiculous. It’s their game. They want to keep it fair for console players. If people are being so stupid about the mods they have no choice but to bring down the hammer. Insert the moon is haunted meme because seriously nothing fits better.

  6. That housing plugin should just be in the game to be honest. Allowing you to place whatever you want, where ever you want.
    I think the fear they have is that people will make unrealistic houses, floating stuff and clipping stuff.
    But looking through plenty of homes on Gilgamesh, I can safely say you don't need floaty and clippy stuff to make your house look like a 12 year olds animal crossing furniture hoarding simulator.

  7. You know as a WoW refugee I thought it was refreshing that I didn't have to worry about mods. And as for UI coming from WoW which has no versatility, without mods I thought the free range that FFXIV gives its players was pretty good. I am not saying its perfect but it is not bad either. Cosmetic mods I don't really see a problem with but again coming from a toxic raiding environment to FFXIV I don't want dps meters or anything like deadly boss mods which essentially became required mods to raid in WoW. I don't mind self-improvement but that is for me to do personally that is not for another player to decide and unfortunately people are not kind and they are too impatient for those who are learning. Like I admit people who quietly parse as long as I don't know I guess I do not really care. Will I look myself up for self improvement occasionally, yeah why not. It is normal to want to do better. I like having a game where I am not required to use mods to raid.

  8. Man, physical vs magic damage…
    Me as tank main: Puts up Dark Missionary/Heart of Light/etc.
    Boss: Does raid-wide that is all physical damage

    I could seriously use a plugin for that because it seems asinine to me that the game design is: "Let's make damage split into physical and magical. Enemies can deal either of these types of damage, and players will have abilities to mitigate: physical, magical, or both types of damage… BUT WE WILL NOT GIVE THEM ANY WAY TO TELL WHAT KIND OF DAMAGE IS INCOMING".
    So you just have a tank/caster waste their magic mit or a physical dps waste their feint… And they can't even tell that they wasted it because there's no feedback system. Please fix this Squeenix

  9. anti cheat does not work in most cases… Black Desert and PSO2 New Genesis have anti cheat… both have more cheaters than FFXIV…Anti cheat would just divert some money from the games budget to a third party company to provide them with some software that barely works and might cause problems with the game… anti cheat would likely just kill the stuff that is not cheating you know your extra UI, extra options for color blindness etc. WoW has anti cheat but does that actually stop people from cheating? I am saying this from the outside and not having played WoW but a simple search can get you the answer and it is no.

  10. WoW integrated a lot of popular addons to the point that it angered developers. So that isn’t anything new. FFXIV has the challenge of making the addons work for console players, new UI features can be accessible for everyone.

  11. I think any addon that can be integrated into the game to the enrichment of both PC and console players should be considered so pretty much most of the UI tweaks etc.

    I think one important point about mods not covered is the designed intent from the creator versus player abuse.

    As someone who develops an addon for WoW, the addon I work on in particular, came about as a Qol improvement for players who are amputees or some other form of disability

    and id gets praise from former servicemen etc to whom this add greatly benefit. However more and more shall we say lazy gamers have been using the addon. which normally is fine

    that their choice. but that lead to abuse, it being used to pseudo-botting, and multiboxing, while Bizz did swing the ban hammer, and have been in contact with us letting us know what

    will get a user banned. it can be a shame to see something of initial good intention be used in such an exploitative way.

  12. It's been interesting to see different streamers' views about this. Between Asmon, you, Happy, Preach, Pyro, Xenos, Desperius etc. The drama in the community surrounding the crackdowns as well as the targeted reportings have left me feeling a little down on how some players are reacting to it.

  13. tl;dr:: There are no audio cues for mechanics… and there should be.

    So… I hate the DPS metre side of ACT, but I like the callouts… because, as others might have Discord and friends to tell them something is coming, I have to rely on visual cues… which are masked by 40000 spell effects and people being in the way. I also have to run my monitor with blue light filters and the like due to light sensitivity… and that obscures a lot of the little visual cues they do with colours (no doubt worse for those with colour-blindness). I am sure SE is aware of colour-blind people, but I generally find that no game company (or people in general) is aware of photosensitive people… and it is extremely obvious in this game when they constantly have flashbangs between cutscenes or for flashbacks, etc. Times when I have to close my eyes or they just water so much I cannot see anything.

    For reference… try playing the game after you have had your eyes dilated by your eye doctor… and tell me how well that works out for you. That is what I deal with on the daily (and I just flat do not play when the eye doctor does that to me).

  14. Maybe this is unpopular opinion but I side with Yoshi P on this. No matter how small the changes in plugins, it’s still cheat in certain degrees cause it’s a feature that console players don’t have. I’m all for improvement, so ideas could be addressed to dev and you guys know how Yoshi P n his team values feedback, you’ll be heard. I play FFXIV using console so this is probably why my opinion is to not use any add ons, it’s unfair

  15. Am colourblind. Ctrl+K. Bottom tab. There are options to change the colour filtrations based on Protanopia, Deuteranopia, and Tritanopia. You can adjust the strength of the filtration to your comfort level as well. Is it perfect? No. No colourblind filter ever is. But I've been using it for literal years without issue. I've even suggested it to mates of mine who aren't colourblind to aid them in areas where they've had trouble seeing markups. Works just fine. Ya know, kind of like people who play on consoles?

    MY issue with banning 3rd parties is honestly guys, how are we going to do Alliance Raids without the 3rd Party? I mean really. SE didn't think that far ahead, did they?

  16. I'll speak in a code since it seems fun.
    "The company of Eorzea should hire the guy who summon the Dalamud. See how the realm improved after it got hit by Dalamud. These day, The beast tribe have to rely on do the illeagal summoning themse
    ves. And those summoning though may start from no ill intent as they try to fix the problem in their own way, The problem that the company of Eorzea didn't fix for them. The real problem is some time the illeagal summoning is too powerful. And also the other tribe may see that and think that any kind of summoning is OK, Or try push the line and get more and more powerful summons. So the company of Eorzea have to stop the summoning when they found. That's what made the fuzz in the realm right now. But for the future, If they can't fix the realm themselves, Just hire those team behind the summoning of Dalamud. Then the company of Eorzea can control and limit the power of the Dalamud so it only be use for good and not in the harm way. And use that power to fix the problem of the tribes."

  17. Let's be real here though, if you're modding the crap out of your 14, why are you even playing it since you clearly don't enjoy vanilla. Rhetorical question for anyone who feels the need to defend crap in a pig sty.

  18. If anything comes out of all this, hopefully the dev team monitors what plugins and mods players use and see how they can implement the ones that provide major QoL into the game for all players.

  19. 1. Just stop using add ons for now. Just do as Yoshi-P says and remove the risk of bans/punishment altogether just for now.
    2. It's clear that Yoshi-P has indicated and admitted that the original game UI/features is lacking and that they are working towards improvements.
    3. Hopefully Yoshi-P and the dev team might look at the most popular QoL add-ons and collab with those add-on creators? Who knows? Have faith in Yoshi-P
    4. Game can be cleared, even the hardest content without ANY add-ons, just work/practise harder.

  20. Wish FF14 handled mods the way that WoW and ESO handle them. If you aren't cheating and it doesn't break the game then NBD. Unfortunately in ESO's case you need addons to make it a proper mmo lol

  21. I think this developer has zero credibility. He might be truthful, but the unethical developers would be saying the same things. Can I take anything he says at face value? Without knowing what mods his team works on, I have to assume he's a baddie.

  22. I agree with many here that I'm glad to hear a more in-depth and thoughtful discussion about add-ons.

    The attitudes that I've seen recently, demonizing and taunting players who use add-ons, is disappointing and incredibly immature. It often comes off as petty, egotistical hall monitor behavior. I see people criticize others for being disingenuous when defending add-ons, when they're ALSO obviously masquerading their own rabid desire to punish others as love and support for the devs. It's self-righteous drivel and just makes the situation worse for no reason.

    And frankly, it's below the level of consideration that I expect from the FFXIV community.

    When players are writing off half the community and are going around saying they have "no sympathy" for anybody who uses add-ons and the reasons don't matter, how are they also claiming to be the moral arbiter, the pinnacle of positivity? It just comes off as wanting brownie points and want to feel like they're better than others for an arbitrary reason. Just because you take the opposite stance on how you're better because you DON'T have add-ons, doesn't make you any less toxic than the people who think they're better BECAUSE they have add-ons. It's the same thing!

    Players' various reasons to enjoy the game, the way that add-ons can offer significant QoL/accessibility, and the wide scope of add-ons in general are IMO worthy of in-depth discussion.

    There's a REASON why so many players, including many streamers, have openly used add-ons in the past. For various reasons, accessibility options have not been forthcoming, as Zepla reminds us during the video. There truckloads of add-ons that I don't use and have no interest in using, but I can in most cases see why other people might enjoy or even need having them. Different people have different priorities and different needs.

    I would rather players try to put themselves in other players' shoes. I prefer to see players trying to understand what it is from these add-ons that the base game could adopt, rather than be close-minded and hateful and take the opportunity to harass and demean content creators that they personally dislike.

    Overall I hope that this situation can ultimately lead to better QoL in the game, but I will always be disappointed by the way some people have reacted during this time.

  23. RE: The out-of-bounds housing thing. There's a house in my ward that has managed to extend an outdoor item up and slightly out of their lot such that it extends into a geographic feature. Won't snitch on them, because it's innocuous as it is, but the potential for abuse is there for lots that are close to each other (e.g. 9 and 10 in The Mist). Such abuse could intrude upon another player's housing experience potentially, by letting one player place an object that extends into the other player's lot. Beyond just the potential for similar coding to allow people to get under the world and such, there's abuse even for housing objects.

  24. I just hope that when they do release the QoL updates, that it's not just for the few UI things that have been brought up, but for stuff like that housing mod that was mentioned. I have been trying to get a house for a short while and I dread the idea that I'm going to have to go in and either making something bland or learn how to do some crazy glitch that takes hours to get one thing just right. This is an opportunity for SE to make all the QoL fixes for all facets of the game, not just for for the raiders.

  25. One person's QoL is another person's cheating. Preventing the wow-ization of the plugins is more important than improving QoL if a choice has to be made.

    I do wonder if it's a Japanese thing in that accessibility goes against the cultural conformity nail sticks up thing.

  26. There is no grey area: plugins are not allowed. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. It doesnt matter if streamers interviewed people who only make "vanity" mods or not. They are breaking the rules just as much. Luckily the XIV team is smart enough to recognize good/useful QoL plugins and are looking to implement them in the game. The moment an arguement is attempted to be made for "well THIS one should be allowed!" it opens the door for people to abuse it. Rules are rules, call me a "ToS bootlicker" all you want. Streamers especially got too big for their britches and assumed they were safe "as long as they didn't talk about it", which is just stupid in my opinion. If you have a way the team can improve the game, there is literally a ticket function for this exact purpose.

  27. I have tried to say that the base UI in ffxiv is very lacking, restrictive and at times counter intuitive or just difficult to work with.
    Maybe now the turbo fans will start to realise its objectively true and it either needs to be updated or people will use UI addons.

  28. I wish that SE would allow us to swap the status effects on the party list HUD to expand out the left side from right to left because I prefer to move my party list HUD to the right-middle of my screen just below the mini-map and above my cross-hotbar, that I also shift to the lower right of my screen. (Duty List I move to the left side under Scenario Guider where I think it belongs) This way, I can angle the camera way up so that my character is on the bottom each of my screen when zoomed out and, when I'm fighting giant bosses, I can actually see their nameplate on the screen.

    Before 6.1 there used to be a plugin called Party List Layout that allowed me to rearrange the layout of every element of the party list HUD, but it's not updated yet, and causes the game to crash when I try to update it myself as a novice plugin dev.

  29. I hope Square Enix starts reaching out to the top mod devs and tries to hire them. It's been super exciting to see Mojang do the same in Minecraft and it might bring back some of the goodwill.

    That being said. I'll harp forever on the fonts in FFXIV being a nightmare for my slightly dyslexic brain and for the few friends I've asked as well. All of the most tempting mods are ones that would cut down on the amount of text I need to read in chat or in UI stuff. Or they're ones that add colors so I can scan more comfortably. All of this can be solved with a dyslexia friendly font option.

  30. I think a good middle ground that SE could do is only ban streamers who use plugins during world-first races. And by ban, I mean SE should sponsor the competition, and any players using plugins in their mandatory live streamed sessions should be disqualified from the race. There doesn't need to be a ban from the game itself.

  31. According to the Dalamud plugin development FAQ page, here are the restrictions your plugin must meet in order to be allowed. The plugin must not be:
    "(1) automatic, as in polling data or making requests without direct interaction from the user

    (2) outside of specification, as in allowing the player to do submit things to the server that would not be possible by normal means"

  32. There is a lot of ups and downs with this whole situation, The Players, The Devs and the streamers are in the wrong here.

    Take a long look at the root of the problem. The Devs don't want to generate any toxicity in any way possible and so by having these plugins the devs has always been okay with it being there but their main policy is "Don't Talk About It" by meanin: You can use ACT just don't comment about it in a negative way. and as for the plugins that help you clear better that also you can use but you can't talk about it.

    that's why it has put the Devs and the streamers in a bad position because let's be honest most of us has plugins and stuff and nothing has happened yet and why? because we keep our mouths shut about it, so the devs has seen the stream and of course they will think "They are displaying the plugins to the viewers then the viewers will go ahead and download it and then they will react with that mod horribly and get banned and then that player will ask "How come i got banned but not the streamer?" and it will create this whole chaos but honestly this chaos is much worse.

    If i were in the dev's position i would either see the mods that players use and implement them in the game (The mods that have nothing to do with gameplay enhancement) just for visual, or just add a rule that nothing is allowed. i just hope this whole mess calms down because honestly this has not been a great punch for final fantasy and i hope we all can get back up and fix this. (Including The Devs).

  33. 20:00 ish. One reason why they might not want to allow housing placement plugins is because they are erring on the side of caution on behalf of the user/player using the plugin not to get catch with evidence of using 3rd party software. Sure, you can glitch items around in the unmodified game, but what if there was a particular placement that wasn't possible like that? Using a plugin to place items there may incriminate you even though everyone knows it's actually harmless.

  34. I feel like this excuses of oh well , it should be in game anyway is silly, people will always find something that they think should be in the game, it is like never ending circle of excuses of altering game to their needs and even though lot of these things seem like they don't give advantage, in reality all of them give some kind of advantage over other players, sure developers should look into quality of life requests more seriously, but I don't think that two wrongs make one right.


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