Review Run: Final Fantasy XIV, Part 91: Healer & Tank Rolequests

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1 thought on “Review Run: Final Fantasy XIV, Part 91: Healer & Tank Rolequests”

  1. It's interesting regarding the perspective towards the Elementals.

    Where there will be those that hate them with a passion and would wish for their demise for instilling fear on those that choose to live within the Twelveswood. Preferring Progression.

    There are also those that revere, respect, accept and work in harmony with those that put the conservation of the Black Shroud first and foremost. Preferring Conservation and Tradition.

    I find them comparable to a polytheistic pantheon relating to the nature of the environment. If you choose to disregard nature, it will fight back. If you choose to work with nature, then things shall stay in harmony. I find this personally fascinating.


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