FFXIV DIGITAL FAN FEST '21- What Angel Wakes Me- Keiko and Amanda Achen Keenan


30 thoughts on “FFXIV DIGITAL FAN FEST '21- What Angel Wakes Me- Keiko and Amanda Achen Keenan”

  1. I honestly can’t even DESCRIBE how frickin awesome this was. What Angel Wakes Me is my favorite song in shadowbringers (which Amanda also CRUSHED). Not even just her voice, but everything from her facial expressions to her movements just matched the vibe of the song ✹immaculately.✹ Can’t WAIT to hear more of her in Endwalker. 😍

  2. Dancing on the wind up and down again
    Round and round the bend
    Fa la la la la la
    From a flow'ry bed to the clouds ascend
    Tumble down again
    Fa la la la la la

    Yet with each descent do we rise again
    To our hearts' content
    Fa la la la la la
    Fly away my friend for a day and then
    We'll begin again
    Fa la la la la la

    Till down turn the skies
    Wonted quiet, wanton silence
    For long do we lie
    Wond'ring when we'll be

    Dancing on the wind up and down again
    Round and round the bend
    Fa la la la la la
    From a flow'ry bed to the clouds ascend
    Tumble down again
    Fa la la la la la

    Yet with each descent do we rise again
    To our hearts' content
    Fa la la la la la
    Fly away my friend for a day and then
    We'll begin again
    Fa la la la la la

    Still down turn the skies
    Gentle song gently wand'ring
    Along in the night
    Joyous cries ring free

    La la la la la
    Lying lost in thought
    Do you love me not?
    Follow these
    Petals cast aloft
    La la la la la
    Will you, when I'm gone, remember me?

    Ring a ling a ling
    Lovers in the spring
    How the garden sings
    Ever green
    Spirits lush, we bring
    Ring a ling a ling
    Braving anything
    Together, we

    La la la la la
    Learn to play our part
    Navigate the dark
    Up we reach
    Catch a falling star
    La la la la la
    Lock it in our hearts eternally

    Ring a ling a ling
    Flying without wings
    Kites without a string
    Loop and leap
    To these crowns we cling
    Ring a ling a ling
    For we'll all be kings tomorrow

    Autumn's whisper soaring high
    Lulla lulla lullaby
    Baby's breath and butterflies
    Sing in our sweet lullaby
    Summer child with heavy eyes
    Lulla lulla lullaby
    Come our lonely angel nigh
    Sing in our sweet lullaby

    Time wilts and fades
    Luster lost in the rain
    Bows to the blade
    Till the spring calls again

  3. Both their performances were astonishing. I felt myself going through so many emotions throughout the song… thank you very much to those two very talented ladies. Hopefully we'll get more of them for Endwalker/FFXVI.

  4. This is bizarre, I legit thought they had to like have her do the fa la la la thing in different recordings, the fact she just sang and sang, did she even breathe? She has such a good voice. And we can't forget Keiko, so talented!

  5. The game version is good, without a doubt, but Amanda's voice is just perfect and much, much clearer. This version is on the Scions and Sinners disk along with lot and lots of other favourites. Half is Keiko and Amanda, the other half is the Primals.

  6. This version makes me sad. In-game we have a twisted corruption of the fairy king — a broken echo of the being they used to be. This version feels like the unbroken Titania, who is dancing merrily in a field full of joy and life. It really puts the tragedy of the original Titania's fate into perspective.


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