Sometimes they give us goodies, sometimes (often) you get a rock…. 🙁 #shorts
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#FFXIV #ffxivglamour #patch
What is the best your retainers have ever given you? :3 – Skeffi♥
4 alpha plushies in 1 week….
I always get fish from my miners… Or on any retainers tbh
What about an entire fucking roof?
Mine keep bringing me the roofs of neighbouring houses 😐
dear retainer : stop bring me chocobo alpha doll, sincerely, please, thank you
What are the pants that your first male "retainer wears
Well I had 1 sea wolfess and 1 myeowy gal both women arrr they gave me decent skins till Isgard then I stopped playing lol….
I don't have the heart in me to be mad at my retainers for bringing me shit. They look so damn proud of themselves afterwards and just so cute… ;;
Mine are definitely thieves and high end raiders cause they keep coming back with parts of people’s houses and their furniture or drops from content I haven’t even done yet.
Once my retainer bought me an hq sweet cream… the next time she brought me some pants. It's like… welp. I know what kind of cream that is now.
I swear I Keep getting Name Day cakes… really makes me wonder wtf this lalas are doing and whose Name Day parties they have ruined…
You forgot the part where your retainers bring you an entire freakin house XD
I once had a level 10 FISHER retainer bring back Stone Vigil gear TWICE. Like, where the hell did you fish THAT up?!
my Fray retainer brought me back a Catkiller once
my character is a miqo'te :/
Everybody's talking about their retainers stealing parts of people's houses and mine are over here taking boots off the homeless and giving them to me.
Righr! My retainer keeps bringing me back leafs and branches. 😪
Mine murdered Shinryu and brought me his scale lol
False, needs more house siding
One of my retainers only brings me one of two things.
One crafting crystal. ONE.
Or that Alpha Chocobo plushie.
I think she hates me as much as I hate her.
Nobody here mentioning that she has a
catboy haremgood set of retainersNgl all of my retainers are just my previous characters that I liked the design too much to just lose them to Fantasia forever
Im super dissapoint this wasnt about retainers breaking into other ppls houses to bring me furniture items :/ mostly because getting dye from retainers is boring.
These ffxiv videos feels like mobile ads
I've learned today that retainers are just crows in human like bodies
The most shocking part is how clean their inventory is!
The miner retainer of mine sometimes bring back loot from extreme boss. I was like wtf.
Are you guys a guild in game?
Are jet black dyes hard to find or something?
I have 2 retainers, they manage to steal someone's fc roof and the other brought me a fish tank lol
I love these memes but I don’t understand them at all because I just started playing ff14 and I don’t know anything.
Why do all the female characters look like codemiko 😂
What the first retainer torso gear?
of course her retainers are cat boys only… what did i expect.
'Ok, I sent you out for items and you came back with a sofa and chair set, I also can't help but notice that the house next door has had the front door kicked in. Is there a connection?
I'm not annoyed when my level 77 fisher brings me a single earth shard, I just wonder where the 4.3 million XP came from.