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Shadowbringers is my favorite expansion for Final Fantasy XIV, and my favorite game in the series overall. Today, I want to look at three threads running through the story of Shadowbringers, and how they examine the game’s overall theme of legacy. First, we’ll be looking at Ardbert, the Warrior of Darkness. Next, we’ll be looking at the young Minfilia, the Oracle of Light. Finally, we’ll be talking about Shadowbringers main antagonist, Emet-Selch. Join me as I talk about why the story of Shadowbringers resonated with me, and so many others.
Table of Contents
Intro — 0:00:00
Part One: A Warrior of Darkness — 0:04:06
Part Two: An Oracle of Light — 0:30:56
Part Three: A Founding Father — 1:03:19
Outro — 1:54:19
Who are you again? Jk
Yes! Been waiting for this one xD
Perfect timing since everyone is going back to the First for the 6.5 patch content. This video is a very fitting accompaniment to those MSQ quests.
Yay new vid ! Thanks !
Oh, phenomenal. My (second) favorite expansion, from one of my favorite characters.
I’m glad to see you had the strength to take another step, friend.
A point of contention – we don't learn that we're Azem in 5.0, we learn it in 5.3 I believe. Still part of ShB, but slightly later – the revelation at the moment shown was a different one.
Wow, you put this out the day of 6.5 release? How am I supposed to watch 2 hr video on top of that?
…….is what I’d say if I hadn’t taken off from work today. As it stands, this is shaping up to be a fantastic day! Thanks for the new essay!
I love long form content like this, and with content that is so phenomenal as XIV how could I ever say no? 😀
Of the nations of the War of the Magi, let us be perfectly clear here. Mhach is the one that has the same fingerprints of Garlemald and Allag all over it.