Reimagining Final Fantasy XIV Encounters: Leveling up the Gameplay!

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22 thoughts on “Reimagining Final Fantasy XIV Encounters: Leveling up the Gameplay!”

  1. A completely random thought that came to mind was to have battles that do an almost random roulette for the class roles. Suddenly the healer is now generating more hate but big buff in defence, the tanks are dealing and taking more damage, and the dps either trigger healing effects with their rotation or gain healing actions. I guess kind of like how Blue Mages can attune to class roles, but mix it up each time. Just Chaos XD

  2. I like the ideas and immediately thought of a variant of Bismark where the land takes a lot more damage over the fight so healers have to pump heals (or shields) into a pair of spikes at each side of the platform with one of them being up at any time. Once it's been fully charged the OT would bring an add that slams the ground over to drive it down into the ground to heal the island. As one side it driven down the other pops out. Add to that a balance element of having to shuffle enough DPS over to the other side to maintain balance of the island due to the adds massive weight when slamming.
    Doesn't make the fight much more difficult but gives the OT and healers another set of objectives to deal with. Very basic but there are a lot of similar variants that could be added to new fights.

  3. I was not ready for the GBF gameplay.

    That being said, I got to the roles bit and regarding tanks, I just would really like it if the offtank were more than "tank #2".

    Also, I do think that there should be mechanics that DPS should interact with. I do agree that DPS hit buttons good ut it would be nice to have a DPS specific thing to deal with.

  4. I like these ideas. You’ve mentioned some of the potential flaws, but I could at the very least see the devs testing the water with perhaps something like V&C dungeons or other “side” content (including challenging modes) to test the waters

  5. A break system like granblue has is something that needs the entire combat system to be designed around. Breaking parts would just be soft dps checks like in titan hard. These ideas just dont translate well to ff14

  6. As a tank main, I really don’t like how we don’t have a lot of mechanics that take advantage of all aspects of our role. The main one missing being positioning. I’ve always imagined something like the off tank takes an add, and has to kite and then line up to say get knocked back into a boulder, say to cover something up or push it into a zone as an example. As much as people didn’t like E7, I honestly liked having to kite things around and wish they did more mechanics that weren’t just “hit your button” or “do a swap”. In general I wish there were more role dependent mechanics instead of just “closest 4 furthest 4” or “4 support and 4 dps” mechanics

  7. As a Healer Main, I just want something TO DO–
    If you want Healers to be part of the DPS check, then give us a DPS rotation— it can be as simple as a Tank 1-2-3, or give us real heal checks again. I think P10S Harrowing Hell was a good start but it required TOO many mitigations to really feel like 'The Healer's Job', ya know?

    As of right now, I feel like most fights COULD be solo-healed and the only reason they AREN'T is because of 'Healer Stacks'. They target the Healer and if there isn't 2, the mechanic gets wonky. That legit feels terrible that my jobs only exist to 'make sure a mechanic that isn't even complicated, functions.' I think Bosses could def use a 'Rage Mode' where both Tanks get absolutely shin-kicked and the Healers need to baby-sit – or do more Role/Buddy situations in which the Healers would need to do what Tanks did in P10S with soaking the turrets with 2 people.

    I feel like all the terrible fights of this expansion, P3S, P7S, P10S, all did something UNIQUE but the execution of it made the fights unfun– but the Healer Towers from P3S was awesome to heal to much and make gigantic shields, P7S's Dancing around a changing arena, and P10S's gamble with more buddy and weird mechanics like webs and Tank yeeting. We need MORE of it, but not done so poorly with infinite body checks and slow backloading that makes fights miserable instead of memorable. Shifting arenas is great fun, more buddy mechanics would be great, long term buddy mechanics in fact, more Tank damage so Healers feel like 80% of their buttons have a fucking purpose (Looking at you Scholar) – Give Healers more unique mechanics like P3S, something to maintain so we CAN Shield/Heal an absurd attack coming.

    Just give the Supports something to do if Damage matters so much in these DPS checks. Right now it feels like the Supports only exist so DPS can do all the fun. We feel like parents just staring at the kids on the jungle gym while we drink our 40th cup of coffee wondering if Timmy is gonna mess up Pandemoniac Bonds 3 again.

    There is no mechanical reason to heal. Either you do the mechanic right and take barely any damage, OR you mess it up and you die instantly. What is there to heal when it's only body checks?????

  8. Really nice ideas. (Targetable boss parts wasn't something that came to my mind.) But instead of being Overdrive and Break I think simply having HP% mechanics would be better. In the final EX trial in EW, we move into second phase with a HP percentage and the mechanics loop till enrage. The amount of time it loops changes based on how fast we pushed it to phase change. I think this shows it is possible change the Boss's attack pattern mid fight while fighting it.

    Instead of having a overdrive, break and normal mode. Why not just have overdrive mechanics based on HP. If the boss's hp is below a certain percentage boss will try to do it's overdrive mechanic in the next available spot. Then they can change the boss's attack pattern to another one or keep using the same one.

    To make an example, imagine P10S with this system. Let's say Harrowing Hell happens at 45%. Pandemonium does the tank towers as you make it past 44%. Pandemonium then does the bring tanks closer mechanic (so that everyone is in middle when HH happens) then immediately prepares HH. Then you do the HH which transitions into Pandemonium's second phase.

    Iirc BnS worked like this. Where bosses had hp percentage big mechanics with normal simpler mechanics. The more damage you deal faster you will have to work around that hp mechanics.

    Overall I think this will make healers happy as more damage the team does more they'll need to heal. But the system can be cheated once the mechanic timelines and hp%'es have been documented. IF the normal mechanic takes too long players might hold their dps till the start of that mechanic to delay the overdrive mechanic as much as they can.

    About the targetable parts, As you've shown isn't this just Susano-o and Memoria Misera? I think those sort of mechanics work when not overused. Maybe something like the add phase from Rubicante can work? Where you have multiple parts which has their own mechanics separate from the boss.(Tethered TB, baits, AoE etc) And after a certain time passes you'll get enough time to defeat one part which stops that mechanic from happening but makes the boss's main mechanics harder. This could be fun trade off where you might want to keep certain mechanics in order to keep Boss's mechanics easier while dealing those mechanics (Like keeping one tethered TB that OT continuously handles)

    Another idea I had was implementing a mechanic weakening system where the jobs can use their role actions (stun, heavy, sleep etc) to weaken a mechanic. Certain mechanics could be near kill if not weakened and weakening it might require multiple instances of same CC. This could also make some jobs or comps more preferable in certain fights (Paladins could be useful when Stun is asked or 2 phys ranged might be useful when boss asks for heavy in quick succession).

    As you've said variety is the spice of life and I think some bosses should stay like the current design while others have different stuff to interact with them. In this way we will be surprised no matter what gets chosen.

  9. Healer suggestions might actually cause the healers that whine they don't have enough to do to stop whining. It's tiring hearing the whiners complain about how 'healers aren't relevant' for newer content unless it's endgame and frustrating (being a heal main myself) who uses their entire kit in every aspect of the game and am thankful that tanks and DPS have mitigation techniques available so I can do more than just *heal*.

  10. Maybe we could also work in distance-based instances?

    For example, boss starts building up a huge tidal wave raid-buster. Unmit-able knockback, massive damage that's likely to kill anyone not topped out to 100%, maybe applies a bleed, it just plain sucks. However, the boss exposes a core that people can smack to weaken the damage to a more reasonable level. But what about the knockback? Well, ranged jobs would need to target a pillar off to the side of the field to drop it behind your field and block you from falling off the back! This would also bring job choice into the mix again, since melee jobs with stronger ranged options like NIN, VPR and PLD could see use over their peers in order to speed through the mechanic in Prog.

    Also, having a zombie-type boss that healers would occasionally have to feed heals to in order to deal damage would be baller.

  11. It's not like they haven't made mechanics before for healers to do. You have thunder god, shinryu, math bot, and some of the stuff they did in the alexander raids. Give a heal check a bit more often, maybe place doom onto a random party member outside of failing a mechanic, give an ad that you need to heal up. All of these have been done in the game, and they give some good uses for the tools they give to us. They give so many tools to heal, but they really don't capitalize on it, especially when you have 2 healers. This just being in normal content too. I don't really spend a lot of time looking at high end content outside of your videos cause I find nest entertaining with what they say within the content. The commentsry between the members of nest is probably my favorite part about the videos you put out.

    I feel like they could do some more stuff similar to what they did in stormblood and heavensward. Where you can either interact within the arena or something that forces the players off the boss to focus on a mechanic. Another idea for a tank buster mitigation that comes from thunder god, maybe put a stackable debuff you can esuna. I feel like they could do some real interesting things if they looked between the raids and trials from heavensward through shadowbringers and twist it to have it not be redundant. Endwalker just felt like they played it really safe, so the fight design wasn't as engaging as previous expansions were. Some of the fights I liked in endwalker were p10-12, barbaiccia, and rubicante. I also enjoyed the alliance raids too. I just wish that they would change the coin system to something that's not so grindy. Maybe just make it so we only have to get the most revent coin and not every single coon. These raids take a good while to do, and wanting the players to gather 30 or so coins is kinda unreasonable now.

    I do think they could do some stuff where they could have the off tank stack with one of the dps/healers and use their low cd defensive on that player to act out as if they were defending them. I just hope to have some fun raids and trials.

  12. I think having a fight where raidwides are determined Halatali-style (adds moving to the boss), but make the adds on the level of Aqueous adds from E8S. Including the ability to crowd control them. Killing all of them would be less feasible, especially early on, due to it taking damage off the boss, and you don't want to delay the explosion too long if you're letting it through because another add might spawn, but…. It would be neat. Maybe you'll want to kill one while a high-damage mechanic is going on, then in a little bit of less-damaging time while the healers don't have other things to worry about, you can let a few through to focus on the boss.

  13. I think this hits on my biggest problem even if I'd have my own approaches as an older FFXIV player and enjoyer of older titles. I think the XIV approach is admirable in a right, trying to make sure everything is approachable, well communicated and as little as possible leaving anyone out. That said, it makes it really balanced (usually) at the cost of being less interesting for a lot of things. One of the reasons going back to XI even with it's less instantly engaging systems, in turn offers a lot of different approaches so you can use what you have. There will always be something optimal and the community has for better and worse gotten VERY good at sniffing it out, but just having things that cater more to different approaches, which will have to wait until they start fleshing out job identities again in the future, would make raiding way more fun for me personally. Even the little things in ARR like bringing a MNK for the constant INT down on heavy magic bosses was cool and encouraged people to not just one trick their jobs and instead flesh out their off jobs. Having CC be impactful and different jobs and roles being better equipped for certain interactions (such as when we used BRD for Silence and object interactions since they had the most mobility, few cast times and the least direct damage as they were a pseudo-support), and just in general migrating away from the striking dummy plus dance format that seems to be the most common go-to option will make the future much more interesting, at the certain cost of some balance issues and especially growing pains trying to find something that fits a lot of the community.

  14. One option that works well with the existing mechanics would be a Barrier Gauge, where healing/shielding potency cast within a floor effect the boss battle has placed down will charge the gauge, without needing to target a "barrier" creature like…I want to say it's in the WHM quest line? This does produce designated spots to stand, and could make for an interesting (or frustrating, ymmv) challenge as the healers try to get enough power into the barrier while dodging mechanics normally.
    As a healer I'd rather have somewhere to stand than have to target a non-character token throughout the fight. Also, if barriers are treated as NPCs and the task is to max them out then Bene is OP, historically. But if it's judged on actual healing you could get a nice bump via the Super-Bene combo for the GNB's full hp bar, but not more than that. That seems like a cool bit of tech for advanced players to use, but not so OP it becomes the Only Strat (for one thing, you might need Super or Bene for other mechanics in the fight!).

  15. I personally really enjoyed off-tanking fights like E5S where as an offtank I wasn't just provoking the boss but had a mechanic that was managed by me or it would kill everyone. Stuff like that seem simple but give me something to think about other than "Is this where I voke?" Doesn't have to be something complicated either, just really anything lol. The one thing I'm concerned about regarding breaks are how they would work with ability timers, though that's more PTSD from some mythic WoW bosses that if you pushed at the wrong time into a new phase, meant abilities would overlap or be timed in far more complicated ways which was not enjoyable.

  16. I really dislike hard enrages, as well as how scripted fights break down to. Hard Enrages make things feel too much like one big dps check, that forces meta gameplay styles, is a touch boring for me. I like unpredictability, being forced to think and move on your feet is engaging to me. The idea of dps being able to interrupt attacks should definitely be a thing, and a way to counter ultimate attacks that auto wipe. Just, anything to that shakes up the fight, so you cant literally memorize it

  17. I like the idea of them re-evaluating "abandoned" mechanics. I think things like Shinryu heads could be tweaked to add the more direct healer interaction they've been needing. And "juggling" mechanics like rot/nisi could be focused on an NPC object that needs to be soaked every so often to avoid the janky player interactions with passing touch debuffs.

  18. 0:50 “… enjoyment should come from participating in the challenge, not just overcoming it.”
    I do agree with you… so forgive me for getting philosophical, but where is the challenge in FF14’s fights? (Not in the “how difficult is it”, but in the “where does the difficulty come from”?) I’d argue its not in executing on a set strategy, but in going into a fight blind, solving the puzzle, and figuring out what the strategy is… and that’s not a fight design issue, that’s a community issue of people wanting to just “overcome the challenge” and clear the fight at any cost.


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