Reflecting on my past year and a half of playing XIV now that I’ve finally caught up on the MSQ. Contains spoilers as the video progresses throughout my experiences in the various expansions.
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this video got stuck in weird HD processing heck so if theres no higher quality option thats why anyways feel free to add me on xiv if you're on Crystal my username is Fithy Shortstack
Never played this game, but I enjoy hearing Fither go on about random shit for 20 minutes C:
I gotta get my Balmung alt to endgame before Endwalker because it’s the only character I have friends on god help me
I remember when you used to stream this on twitch and only got like 20-30 viewers 💀… I'd say your recent streams are definetly better but I still think they were quite entertaining
I will eradicate all lalafells. See you soon fither
Almost at Heavenward, nothing but positive thoughts about this game, the community is second to none when it comes to stopping and teaching mechanics of bosses and dungeons, just such a pleasant world to be in
I forgot you’ve been playing for a year too
I dont know if you did the Weapons raids is a story with Gaius and is soooo fun.
One thing I’m happy about it that even though traveling to different servers is going to be region locked at first, me and my friends who play on different servers can at least Dick around and try out some particular things, one that Balmung is known for, lol.
I got into this game earlier this year, and I’m enjoying it so far.
I used to like FF14 but the changes they made to tanks in Shadowbringers made me feel like "What is even the point of having a tank role if it's just THAT easy to play regardless of which tank you pick in the early game" and early game is where you need to keep players interested in the gameplay section otherwise you end up being "World of Warcraft but with actually good story" and that's really not a good feeling.
Good gameplay can carry "meh" story but a good story cannot carry bad gameplay and "meh" story most certainly cannot carry bad gameplay.
And for those wondering what a bad game with a bad story and bad gameplay looks like, all I need to do is point towards Devil May Cry 2 and you have your answer(or any game "AAA" game in 2018-2022 that isn't made by Nintendo itself if you need a more recent example).
But yeah, bad gameplay just drove me away from the game and Endwalker story sure as hell isn't going to reel me back in, not until they address the boring gameplay that tanks have and actually do something about it…
I need some friends in ffxiv tbh I’ve tried and quit 5 times until it clicked lol
A lot of people dont see how important and appreciative TATARU is. She is my favorite scion
What are some of your favorite bosses?
I started playing FFXIV since the Alpha, pre 1.0 lol. It’s been a crazy journey!
Lmao this dood actually only started playing the game because one of his boyfriends asked him to and he even thought about competing and spending time with that boyfriend oh my god this dood is GAAAY.
GG's man was alot of fun. Looking forward to Maldwalker grind in November.
Been there since ARR, on and off. Biggest part is still and will always be the story I think. Even in ARR I was looking forward to new things coming. Either because the plot is like that currently (look at how ARR ended, waiting for HW was…interesting) or because when you start getting info or trailer about new expansions that's hype af and there's always speculation on the internet.
But I also enjoy playing many jobs, changing it up every now and then, leveling those jobs, especially when with friends. I even sit down and do all of the .0 content usually with at least 1 close friend so we can always talk about what's currently happening and speculate and stuff. It's been so much fun over the years
You playing FF14? Why not "Shin Megami Tensei: Imagine"?
<looks at its gravestone>
Oh…. right
Game is alright, though with some significant shortcomings imo:
Level design is very very bad, especially in the initial ARR zones, and instanced content throughout the whole game, including the newest expansions. Dungeons and raids are 99% corridor with a boss arena, then again corridor with a boss arena etc.
Lack of incentives to go back to lower level zones. It's mostly gathering or grinding fates.
One of the most bare-bones and boring itemization systems I have ever seen in a game. On the top level there is room for theorycrafting, but for all non-top players the items are a complete snoozefest, you are never excited or aiming for a specific item that does something unique or cool in terms of stats and effect.
Story gets good in Shadowbringers, but the way the story is delivered makes it unbearable to sit through for the overwhelmingly vast majority of the game, and the storytelling clashes heavily with the style of game. All cutscenes I decided to watch I always regretted in the end. They are too pedestrian, uninterestingly directed, extremely verbose, and very very trite and cliche in terms of how the characters act and the dialogue. Story is more interesting watching videos about or reading summaries than actually watching the cutscenes and reading the text in the game itself.
Outside of high-level raiding the game offers absolutely nothing at end game in terms of meaningful character progression and power growth. So if you are not into raiding or meaningless side grinds of various kinds, you get done with end game in exactly 1 week.
No open world PVP, and the instanced one is an absolute joke.
I punched through all of ARR and post-ARR in a week, I blame Quag.
Glad you’re having so much fun. Greetings from Brynhildr!
FFXIV: The most glamorous hole you can dip yourself into
I'm glad I'm not the only one a little annoyed about Zenos. As great as he was in SB, I was REALLY looking forward to a whole story with Varis. For the same exact reasons as you.. especially after that meeting table scene. To this day, I still find him much more interesting than his crazy son.
I started playing by myself and it wasn't until one of my friends got back into playing it that I got tired of playing when they stopped again, which makes me wonder if I would be farther into or done with shadow bringers.
Not an mmorpg guy but I love the soulsborne series so I’m hyped for elden rings because I know it will be more mmorpg