Playing Black Mage Made Me Hate FFXIV

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21 thoughts on “Playing Black Mage Made Me Hate FFXIV”

  1. Honestly ley lines should be like an aura around your body and you’re able to move around while casting and don’t need to just stay still…and give blm a damn res 🙄

  2. 1) My brain is always satisfied when the best player in the game makes a cameo in youtube videos. The one and only Limsa Lomansa.

    2) Black Mage is more Big brain Book study than Scholar and SMN. Although they def have more flexibility than they've had in a while. Have 2 sharpcasts available for instacasting Fire 3 or Thunder 3, Tons of Xenoglossy, and Two stacks of triplecast… so they can weave aetherial manip just fine without costing downtime… Once you get used to the fight lol.

  3. Yeah, the punishement for synched down content is real, like "wtf, why do I have to learn 10 different rotations to play a single class adequatly in all content?" That's probably my biggest gripe with the job.

  4. I've moved to Black Mage from Summoner. As a returning player I don't really like the summoner changes. I like Black Mage because I like seeing big numbers. Pretty simple lol

  5. I played BLM throughout the whole msq, and loved it all the way. Finishing a dungeon or raid without dropping enochian or Thunder DoTs is always super sick, and I found myself grinning like an idiot any time I had a super clean run of content. That being said, I completely understand everyone's dislike of the job, especially getting synched below or at 50.

  6. Hardest fight for BLM at current meta is p3s. Your rotation is tied to mechanics and movement super tight, and if you lag behind, you ask for lots of problems. Your movement and casts are pretty much predefined, tied to fight tempo. At this point i cast this spell, then move and cast that spell, keeping at my rotation to that point, those cooldowns with come back at this exact moment to be used……. Really hard to learn since there is so little room for improvisation. Mechanics wont wait and they come very fast.
    Yet, i progged and cleared it trough party finder. Its dedication what matters. You either are black mage or arent.

  7. man I feel ya with mobs being killed before you're able to cast.
    Its at the point now where if the hp bar is low enough, i just wont bother casting, cause we all know it wont happen in time anyway 🙃

    Maining blm for msq, so i guess I fit the masochist stereotype for them at least haha!
    But all that aside, i love it. Have definitely noticed as i gain levels there's less and less blm players in dungeons and the such.

    Despite how squishy and probably very below average I am, still feels good to dish out bigboi damage, or nailing the rotation just right 🥴

  8. Love my BLM, but yeah AOE heavy fights like with a certain someone exploding moons in my face reversing time and then exploding them again got my whole squad like do you even cast bro?

  9. Honestly for me personally the problem with BLM wasn’t so much difficulty because after lvl 15 I got a pretty good handle on it and had been playing for a good couple years now but the problem I discovered over the last year of playing the job and what made me recently switch to Summoner as my new main casting job is you can experience eventual burnout and it really all just came from the fact that overtime there was a sort of tedium to the rotation and how you play

    And for those about to comment summoner has that too, yes I concede that fact but Summoner is kinda weird like that in the sense that while there is a tedium to it, it also feels like it has a more active rotation and free form play style

  10. You seem new to Ffxiv , all Veteran players knows that BLM is a job made for Yoshi P to play with when he test or show the new game content for us.


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